• #20327
Pretty sure they didn’t vote for a conservative government and that’s why they had to bribe the Orange Taliban to form a coalition
• #20328
Labour won't win a general election if they enable Brexit
• #20329
Corbyn just needs to insist on a customs union. May won't be able to keep the Tories together if she accepted that, so she'll reject it. He shrugs and says he tried his best.
• #20330
Not being able agree on anything seems to be all the rage at the mo, so I reckon more of that.
• #20331
I know it's hilarious watching the Tories be tits, but this is fucking nuts.
"I need corbo to help me out"Jesus tittyfucking Christ.
• #20332
Corbyn just needs to insist on a customs union. May won't be able to keep the Tories together if she accepted that, so she'll reject it. He shrugs and says he tried his best.
I think this is spot on.
Question is, May must know this - so why did she do it?
• #20333
Question is, May must know this - so why did she do it?
The cynics are saying she'll force us out with no deal and shift some of the blame onto Corbyn - "this could have been prevented if Corbyn compromised with me." Red-tops and the public would probably lap it up. Same is true if there's a long extension or soft Brexit I guess, she'll say "I had to do it this way because Corbyn forced me to"
But they're ignoring what she said about indicative votes.
• #20334
Even the lib Dems might split. Norman lamb is unhappy at the party not voting for letting or Clarks offerings. We need an election not that it can alter much unless candidates people picked tow the party line I e new ideological ones which can only make matters worse.
I once tried Kung foo. We had to spar. I spared very badly a bit like my dancing . Politics is like that now. Everyone's blows miss and is scrappy. I bet all the sparing MPs dance badly too.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
• #20335
Thank you forever. Shared with every friend I have
• #20336
This is doing the rounds on Twitter, and is quite funny.
• #20338
Tories will, in perfect unison, coalesce around Labour taking the blame, who will immediately point their fingers at each other.
Corbyn will wear the Brexit mess like one of his cheap suits.
• #20339
She is desperate...I would hope he would ask for a customs union and a confirmatory vote...FoM would be icing on the cake.
• #20340
All he really wants is a general election. He'll take any sort of Brexit to have it.
• #20341
FoM would be icing on the cake.
It's an odd one this, Corbyn seems against FOM, which is ironic as well off to rich people have (effectively) FOM by dint of their money/work, whereas less well off to poor people don't, so it's a position that seems to be in direct opposition to what Labour theoretically stands for.
• #20342
This strategy would be intended to get the UK into the danger zone - that window of time between April 12th and May 22nd when no further extension of Article 50 are possible. Then she could do what she has always wanted to do and force MPs to pick between her deal and no-deal.
Before everyone panics about this, my personal opinion (for what that's worth) is that the danger is overstated. If it comes down to this, MPs will coalesce around BINO and force it through legislation or amendments.
• #20343
Imagine, a cheap suit. The horror.
• #20344
• #20345
That he'd lose.
• #20346
Good criticism of Caroline Lucas’ vote yesterday
• #20347
Loving an Augean stables reference
• #20348
• #20349
Great photo op if JC strides up Downing Street and knocks on the door of No. 10 tomorrow.
• #20350
Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not...
But currently this whole mess is a Tory problem - if Corbyn helps at all he's going to have the stench of Brexit on him forever