• #11752
And then abstained...not quite from the Tom Paine school of radicalism!
• #11753
He abstained? Christ, what a waste of time. Party first as alway, then his children apparently.
• #11754
It's been the same pattern in these recent votes--the rebels threaten but don't dare follow through (except for Ken Clarke, but he's got nothing to lose) because they fear it'll trigger a general election. One mild rebellion was successful, but that was about the absolute minimum, which May still wanted to deny. Her 'strategy' has been the same in everything she has done on 'Brexit' (and the same pattern quite possibly extends to her 'hostile environment' rubbish)--try to create a total race to the bottom by being completely contrarian with the EU/MPs/Parliament while saying nothing of any substance, delaying and obfuscating, denying access to crucial information, so people have to waste their time and energy trying to get to these very basic requirements for useful political/opposition work fulfilled. I do wonder what will happen when she really runs out of time.
• #11755
She needs Labour to vote with her to get the Withdrawal agreement through parliament, that's her biggest challenge at the moment I'd say.
• #11756
A good writeup from the BBC. I'm not expecting much from Labour so far they did nothing or were unwilling or unable to get Tory rebels on board.
If they back the single market )with freedom of movement EU rules innit) and customs union then it means frictionless trade, Barnier has already said so. And therefore no border issues for Northern Ireland or Gibraltar.
And most likely enough Tory rebels to help them. If their gamble is still to let the Tories take the blame or fall, there's not much time and it can end badly.
9 months left... 15 wasted
• #11757
Somewhat entertaining (Corbyn, May, Johnson)
• #11758
That's all a bit Costa Concordia / Francesco Schettino
• #11759
hello darkness my old friend...
• #11760
She looks as if she’s about to cry
• #11761
Nah, she had her tear ducts cauterised the morning of the 2017 GE result.
• #11762
• #11763
Paul Dreschler also said there was "zero evidence" that trade deals outside the EU would provide any economic benefit to Britain.
• #11764
So did Patten, Grieve, and Clarke stitch May up?
It looks to me as if they tried to make this fairly opaque so the Brexiteers wouldn't understand it. I can't imagine that Patten cooked this up without involving some others.
• #11765
Yes, I just came here to post that - it's why I said earlier that May now needs Labour MP's to vote to ratify the withdrawal agreement unless she tears up her redlines on SM and CU.
• #11766
• #11767
Dear lord.
• #11768
we're being held hostage by racist idiots and those too scared to not appease them.
• #11769
• #11770
It’s raining a bit in the ghetto of Lambeth. Disgraceful!
• #11771
A good joke found on Twitter
David Davis has "threatened to resign more times [this year] than he's
met Michel Barnier," says Keir Starmer. -
• #11772
This is the twitter account of the O'Brien caller: https://twitter.com/philip_pinto
Seems like a confused soul, as a foreign-born Asian complaining about non-white forins in Britain. It's like he's never held a mirror, he doesnt know.
• #11773
Drawbridge effect in action. Or self-loathing/desire to be perceived as 'one of the good ones'.
Pretty tragic mindset whatever it is.
• #11774
Surely he is taking the piss?
• #11775
I'd prefer to think so but there's some pretty fucked up people out there, luckily they're easy to identify if they gravitate to UKIP...
So Redwood advises his clients to invest other than in the UK, Mogg sets up his funds in the EU ahead of Brexit, who was that Leave chap who bought a Maltese passport?