• #27
Can we get a forum discount code?
• #28
Can he pen a quick haiku about bikes?
• #29
Does he ever see us moving away from a mainstream of diamond frames and, if so, what to?
• #30
Does he like to watch happy puppies queuing for the poppata?
• #31
I just Googled that.
• #32
What's the best meme from the past decade?
• #33
What is the Tinkov secret for Segan always coming second?
• #34
Like some columbians does he have a charitable tax donation set up to aid youth clubs and how does he feel about being a mentor and motivator.
• #35
Does Tinkoff have plans for a women's cycling team?
• #36
"Señor Contador, have you ever been told that you bear a slight resemblance to The Artist Formerly Known as Prince? On a more serious note, Señor Contador, is there any bike you've ridden that stands out above the rest, for whatever reason?"
• #37
Do we get to see the fruits of your journalistic endeavours?
• #38
So that we can start with the comments.
Ah, it seems that I've got the owner of independent fabrication here too.
Any questions for Joe?