• #2677
I want a clean sport. Almost as much as I want a forum free of the @ reply function. Even New Coke was a better idea than that.
Anyway, only a short while till the Giro. Go Richie! -
• #2678
TdY looks like a 3 day classic. Hopefully it grows and grows, the racing is ace. Riders looking utterly confused by 20% gradient sprints, ace. Hovis KoM points. A billion spectators.
• #2679
Yep, TdY looked great, those climbs were killlers. Read a thing on cycling weekly where voekler was saying how everyone was caught off guard by how tough stage 1 was.
awesome power from van avermaert for second place today
• #2680
Riding in Yorkshire is awesome. A mate of mine organises an annual social ride called "The Hell of The Worth" which is kind of an homage to the Flandrian cobbled climbs but harder.
I bet half the Euro pros thought it was going to be a precession for the sprinters. HA!!!
Would love to see it grow and begin attracting a few more of the big classics names.
• #2681
Gary Verity wants to bid for the World Champs.
• #2682
Epic win/fail from the sportive in the morning
• #2683
That power meter must be in negatives !
• #2684
Fuck that's priceless ^^
• #2685
Jesus. It's like Boxhill on a sunday.
• #2686
The poor guy might have picked up an injury for all you know and be struggling to the end out of sheer pride.
Anyway hope the massive crowds of the Tour OF Yorkshire persuade a few bigger names to ride it next year.
I'm sure ASO can do some talking to lift its status too.
• #2687
'It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.'
• #2688
who was waving the cock / penis flag on the col de chevy
saw it on the highlights last nightlooked very much like a pukes on cock cock
• #2689
don't google pukes on cock -
• #2690
Fantastic progression in the 3 posts above!
Had a great 3 days at the TDY, managed to make it to all of the stages. Amazing to watch them go up Otley East Chevin, which is one of my favourite local climbs. I really hope it establishes itself in the calendar in the coming years.
• #2691
I hope so too. The parcours is perfect for an exciting race. Shouldn't really call it parcours when referring to Yorkshire though. Erm... any suggestions?
• #2692
Park. Ours.
Now fook off back to London. -
• #2693
Any idea of the amount of climbing at the TdY?
• #2694
• #2695
TdY was serious, good racing.
• #2696
Just seen scott davies finished 9th overall in the end.
He's 19. -
• #2697
...but his mind is old.
• #2698
• #2699
• #2700
Interview with Adam Hansen. Everything that's good about pro cycling.
And great minds etc.