• #577
Go outside - the graphics are amazing!
• #578
• #579
Might need to go cold turkey for a bit.
Snuck back on.
Creeping round NWAF on a busy server with an AK in my hand, my cat decides now is a good time to jump on my keyboard sending bullets spraying everywhere.
I run back into the woods.
• #580
Fuuuuuuuuuuuu! Keep dieing. Now I'm in the bottom right corner of the map in some town in the hills with lots of zombies and nothing to eat or hit them with.
• #581
@well_is_it OK, can you hold on for a day or two? I could try and get to you?
• #582
Yeah, sure - you don't have to but it would be appreciated, obviously! I'm just annoyed about loosing the character that was decently kitted up, seemingly for no reason.
Ah vel
• #583
As long as I don't get in any trouble it wont take too long to get to you, I will try pick up a spare axe, at worst I can provide protection until you are geared... keep ya posted when I can get on next.
• #584
Awesome. Thanks man.
• #585
@well_is_it actually, not meaning to retract an offer, but not too keen on going through Cherno and Electro. I mean I could if you are really stuck, tack round or hug the coast line, but are you able to just start running West along the coast only stopping at solo houses? I could get back to Balota with some food and clothes for ya?
• #586
@well_is_it I think I'm near the SE corner of the map. Planning on going on tonight if you are around.
• #587
I might actually be about tonight too.... although I ought to have at least one day off...
• #588
Well, I keep dying so hang on for a bit!
• #589
I am a horrible person :)
Respawned in the town of Khelm right up in the North East and the first thing I find there is a fire axe and some black spray paint and loads of food.
Running around town, taking what I can, killing zombies when I hear a voice on direct talk. Its a bambi. I call out "friendly" and we bid each other a good day.
Then I see two others with him in a building - quite kitted out, with axes, guns etc.
One of them is separated from the others by a building so I run at him swinging my axe. I miss, he gets a swing in but it only draws blood. I hit again and he goes down.
Now I have a Mosin with scope and ammo and a raincoat and all of his shit, like bandages and stuff.Such fun.
• #590
Hmmmm gone bandit or were they planning on ambushing people?
• #591
They had guns and axes. And we were all looting the same town - it would have been me if I'd hesitated.
• #592
That sort of attitude is what turns everyone KOS!
I had to the drop on a couple of geared players at Balota the other morning, running down the airfield towards my position, could of dropped em both, but didn't...
• #593
Yeah, I really don't want to go bandit because its not call of duty but I'm just so wary of other players and there were three of them. Well, two and a Bambi.
I need to find a darker or camo jacket as the medic coat I stole from him is bright red and is total anti-stealth.
Got a compass too! -
• #594
I need a compass. I'm gonna come and find you!
• #595
Eer, yeah OK o_O
If you need one you're more than welcome to it - been getting by without one so far!
• #596
Fuuuuuuuuuuu....... Character got wiped again by some random glitch. It happens when I join servers, as my character was still there when I started it.
Bit of a show-stopper. -
• #597
I had my character wiped around 5 times over week. It had never happened before and hasn't happened since, weird. If you keep an eye on the bottom left messages and you see the "testing 123" or new spawn message then if you're quick enough you can escape out, exit and avoid the wipe. Not sure what the cause is, I've read that it could be when joining newly restarted servers but I couldn't find a pattern.
I should be on later tonight, Steam name is magneze.
• #598
Got my guy back by rejoining the frenchy real team server... Hmmm.
Sent a friend request.
• #599
Back in Gvozdno with my Mosin. No Zeds in town, lots of food, clothes and a kids backpack. There's something nice about the northern central areas.
• #600
Ha, I'm just messing, I do need a compass though, I'm crap at the map, also think I need to readjust my concept of distance within the game, when i first played everything felt miles away, now I run past things I'm aiming for.
@ nwaf. Sun shining so brightly through the window I can't see a thing so decided to play safe and log off until later.