• #477
You cant out-tory tories m8
• #478
Immigration mug all over again
• #479
You'd never get a party saying it was hard on drugs. For obvious reasons.
• #480
That Labor poster just reminds me I should give one of my local elections votes to the LibDems.
• #481
I think the Tories "declared war" on middle class drug users recently. Incredible really, given the circumstances.
• #482
It's even yellow. It's just a Lib Dem campaign poster, I don't get why Labour have paid for it...
• #483
I'm more triggered by the fact that he didn't even brush what little hair he has for the photo.
• #484
Edit - we’re all doomed
• #485
is that a tory taking responsibility for their actions?
any guesses on the similar sounding tractor site?
• #486
Unhappy Tory that Labour/ Lib dems working together
https://twitter.com/OliverDowden/status/1520515882199486465 -
• #487
Good grief!!!
Plays to their core voters though, all about Labours proven duplicitous nature, can’t be trusted with the economy, national security etc.
That same core vote will be too busy getting triggered to reflect on the state of the economy since 2010, the concerns re the Russian report and Lebedev etc
• #488
Might I just encourage everyone who can, to vote today?
• #489
still time to help oust boris
• #490
I'm fairly miffed by how this non story about Starmer has somehow managed to get legs. Genuinely looking hairy for the guy.
• #491
Yeh, I read this thread yesterday and it seems far from clear if he is in the right or not
https://twitter.com/JolyonMaugham/status/1523214379184910336I can't imagine he would ever done something he believed would of been against the rules but that doesn't mean he might not get pulled up on a technicality and then hoisted by his own petard
Durham police in a fairly crap position as well , as what ever they conclude it will be politicised
• #492
Durham police did everything they possibly could to avoid taking any action over Cummings, now they're going hard after Starmer because the Daily Mail asked them to. They're being very clear where they stand politically.
• #493
Chief Constable knighthoods come with a political cost.
• #494
I agree, but the lovely part is seeing that various tories have now realised they need to go soft as this also really has the capacity to make them look worse. The more they play this up, the worse the no.10 parties look; plus if he’s fined and resigns, that puts more pressure on Johnson too
• #495
A mate just gave me this shirt, hoping it's only relevant for another fortnight
1 Attachment
• #496
the lovely part is seeing that various tories have now realised they need to go soft as this also really has the capacity to make them look worse. The more they play this up, the worse the no.10 parties look; plus if he’s fined and resigns, that puts more pressure on Johnson too
I'm going to be honest, I thought this was glass-half-fulling an avoidable risk yesterday, but seeing how it's changed the narrative I'm now totally with you. Kit Malthouse got an absolute kicking on it this morning, and he simply had no response - it's reopened partygate with a vengeance and positioned Labour as the party of integrity to boot. Will be especially delicious if Labour really can prove he went back to work after the meal too.
• #497
So my local MP (Massive Prick) John ‘Lickspittle’ Howell says his Confidence / No Confidence vote is “My secret” in a ‘hold the front page splash’ courtesy of the local chip wrapper Henley Standard
Democracy in action right there
Fucking spineless little shite
Christ, the state of things -
• #499
This is a decent summary of why the Rwanda policy is important for Johnson to retain power:
• #500
Boris Johnson is my great white sperm whale
That's a very unnerving headline.
OT - I saw Matthew Parris on the DLR a few years back, in a tux, going to give an after-dinner speech. He was trying to learn his lines, while a squiffy and persistent elderly couple kept badgering him to tell him all about their favourite columns. Watching him politely trying to get rid of them while they blithely wittered on kept me amused until Bank.
Oh no I'm just desperate to talk about good policies and I'm not welcome in the Labour threads due to my obstreperousness.