• #152
Yeah mya!
• #153
Peregrins in 4th place going into Friday:
1) Call Me Daddy
2) Hooks
3) Edisons
4) Peregrine
5) Outlaws MF
6) Octopussy
7) Cactus
8) Cool Story Bro'
9) The Break Up
10) Sophie
11) True Danger
12) Wolfgang
13) Team Rocket
14) Temoilesnichons
15) Simon Says
16) Team Nut -
• #154
Y no Mondiale (Motherfuckers!!)?
• #155
I'm also through, with Lasai.
Calm and carefree... ;-)
• #156
Mondial had a tough group. They'll bounce back, for sure!
Go Peregrine!!!!
• #157
God, I wish there was a stream :(
Why is Mr Do not there this year? Funding?
• #158
1-0 loss to Edisons is very respectable indeed!
• #159
Who's in Peregine?
C'mon Break Up and Mondial!
• #160
Peregrine is Chris Pickering, Mat Cosmic and Cam.
• #161
Who's in Peregine?
acc to podium it's Chris (Brighton, GB) / Cameron (Farnborough, GB) / Mat (London, GB)
• #162
Mondial up against Bleach Boys (Robbie, Frax and Matthieu) next!
• #163
Sweet. Go Perigrine!
• #164
Shiiit, they took it to them! Finished 3-2 to Mondial.
• #165
who replaced ryan in the break up?
• #166
• #167
Wasn't it Josh?
• #168
not having a stream is extremely annoying.
• #169
you missed a pun there jim.
• #170
• #171
Lasai get inside the top 30 - go Wales/MCR uber-sub! Peregrine sitting pretty and primed to strike hard tomorrow, methinks...
• #172
Mondial killing the bottom group.
Hearing from various people that the boards, or lack of them, in combination with the railing on courts A & C is pretty bad. Broken ribs, etc....
I hate to criticise organisers, as I know how hard it is, but not having high quality courts for the Euros is pretty bad. Well, I'm sure the EHBPA will sort it for next year.
• #173
Lack of boards is a bit shite... Glad to hear Mondial are finally doing well...
• #174
Mondial finish top of the bottom group, meaning they'll play the worst team of the top group, Temoilesnichons.
But if they win that, it's a tough game against CMD in the second round!
• #175
lack of boards is never as bad as having no personal experience to write of, but writing anyway.