• #27
Drivers not overtaking before turning left should prevent left hooks in most situations when there isn't a cycle lane but I know it's not always that simple
• #28
Im going to play devil's advocate here and say surely this law would mean that on certain bike-busy streets, people would simply never be able to turn their cars left?
I fear this would simply exaserbate cyclists never considering left indicating vehicles.
• #29
I doubt you would ever get the consistency of bicycle traffic flow that would mean that a left turning car would have to wait more than a minute. In rare instances where there was a high volume of left-turning motor traffic and continuing bicycle traffic were in constant conflict then there would be a strong case for remodelling the junction. This being the exact scenario where modelling for traffic flow is both justified and beneficial.
As for never considering left turning traffic, I don't think that would be exacerbated. Where there isn't a segregated cycle lane, cyclists would be in a wholly different environment and act accordingly. Of course if good driving and cycling behaviour were in play, the cyclist would respond to indication by moving to pass the car on the right as it reached the left turn.
Good questions but I don't think the arguments stand up.
• #30
Im going to play devil's advocate here and say surely this law would mean that on certain bike-busy streets, people would simply never be able to turn their cars left?
If it's so busy, maybe they should consider not driving.
Basically Scrabble regardless of been in the right according to the highway law if as a cyclist or Pedestrian and you don't give way to turning vehicles you will get hit, and this also applies to Germany, France Italy and any other countries mentioned previously, for those who think motorist looking over their shoulder will save us please think again I was knocked off my motorbike by a Doctor who looked turned right and then didn't even stop ,Luckily for me a few other motorcyclist chased and caught him, Like someone said earlier we all have to take more time and look out for each other and our mistakes will be less damaging, I totally understand how angry cycling can make you feel sometimes especially when some drivers can near kill you and they don't even know your there..