• #52
It's pretty poorly done as I gave myself all of about 5 minutes to do it, but as such it'd probably make a perfect spokecard, haha.
• #53
That has to be made into a spoke card!
• #54
I think a Saturday would be much betterer. Just a penny in there
• #55
If we moved it to Saturday 10th May, would everyone be cool with that?
It is far more logical and I am still confused as to why I picked a Sunday in the first place but please do let me know if you have any reservations...
• #56
Missing track training to drink beer and pop wheelies all day?
Of course!
• #57
Young blud!
• #58
I'm good for Sat or Sun.
• #59
I have repped you as a form of bribe... :)
• #60
Same here, weekend off, so both days are good for me.
• #61
Fuck it, Saturday it is then! Can anyone change the date in the thread title?
• #62
Just reposting the list and highlighting that this ride will now be on SATURDAY 10TH MAY!
- Indra
dimi3. - Sven
- tomsvoboda (if I'm not on call)
- Eamesy
- Doktor Pepe
- Paramounted
- tomsvoboda's bro (if he's around)
- beach
- sirbikealot
- Indra
• #63
Won't be attending but thought you might like to know the monarch in Camden serves Brooklyn
• #64
Cheers, pal! I've begun to realise it's not nearly as rare as it once was.. a good 50% of the pubs I've been in have had it. Never mind though, eh!
• #66
Means more places to stop for beer, which can never be a bad thing
• #67
^^Worthy of rep X10000000
• #68
Paging hippy, Velocio or others: Please could you change the name of this thread to 2014-05-10 Gangsta Party owing to a change of date, thank you!
• #69
- Indra
dimi3. - Sven
- tomsvoboda (if I'm not on call)
- Eamesy
- Doktor Pepe
- Paramounted
- tomsvoboda's bro (if he's around)
- beach
- sirbikealot
- Dom
- Indra
• #70
Dom that last post makes me really happy! YES
• #71
• #72
I've sent a PM to Velocio asking for the date in the thread title to be changed to the 10th!
• #73
Those Gangstaless who want to attend, there is a frameset for sale: http://www.lfgss.com/thread124938.html
• #74
^ gone :-)
• #75
- Indra
dimi3. - Sven
- tomsvoboda (if I'm not on call)
- Eamesy
- Doktor Pepe
- Paramounted
- tomsvoboda's bro (if he's around)
- beach
- sirbikealot
- Dom
- Kml
- Indra
Shit name for a bike co, mind.