• #27
Nik and Tim are doing a stirling job, be mindful of overworking them though!
Sounds good. I <3 Radio 4 though so I hope they don't prove to be dicks.
• #28
I love radio. Has anyone heard the buffalo on radio? He's quite good. Nik has a great voice. Might have to slim your 'awesomes' down to a dozen though.
The only small negative point i would like to make is ... How un original to follow a team in the build up to a tournament. That's the most boring default storyline we've heard or seen in a doc where people know nothing about a sport so they say, "how about we follow you to a tournament and see what happens?" Snore. Been done a million times. Anyway just my 2c.
• #29
What would you do instead? I think she's pretty open to ideas as it's just in the researchy stage.
• #30
Well i would think of more than one idea for starters. It isn't my doc. I've never thought about it in terms of what i would do. Cause i ain't doing it. Besides do you want to work with someone who has no idea but wants all of yours? How refreshing it wold be to meet someone from outside the polo world who would like to come and talk, research, discuss and then think about a story because of the responses that are elicited from their experiences. You know like documentary makers and journalists used to do, rather than seeing something on the internet and copying and pasting it themselves, on their own blog, radio programme, magazine etc.
The world is so full of cut and paste info. it would be nice to see someone do some work for a change. How cool would it be if we saw someone post ... "So this journalist has been coming watch, chat, play for 3 months now, they've really put the effort in to understand and do some research and they think they have a good idea ..." etc
• #31
That would be sweet, although as this is part of a long running series I think they'll be fitting it to their roughly standard format to an extent.
It might be nice to follow an A, B and C team all from different places to show how lovely and inclusive we all are or something. -
• #32
The 'connection' part of bike polo has always been fascinating to me. 100's of people throughout the world that we know because of a funny little game that no one knows about is interesting. Although i'm not sure that a journalist who writes ... "interesting and good talking people." is the person to elevate our glorious game.
side note: Radio 1 is making the world dumber one show at a time. Anyway i am aware of this sounding negative, which is not my intention. Essentially. Speak to Bill I like his show and its not on a dumbed down broadcaster.
Don't confuse this with me liking Bill either. Ewww.
• #33
Good thing we'll be on radio 4 then. And it's fine, I know no-one likes Bill.
• #34
I like the connection bit too, the only reason you poor fuckers have to put up with me is because I hit a ball with a mallet on a bike.
• #35
exactly. i can't imagine knowing a toothless drunk with scattered pearls of wisdom amongst peppered euphemisms without it.
• #36
Love you too.
• #37
I love Bill... He's on his way to the pub now...
I agree with what B says, don't think it's gonna happen tho'... They'll just churn it out, innit?
• #38
Has anyone heard the buffalo on radio? He's quite good.
Bill has a radio show?
Anyone know what it's called?
• #39
Yeah, I'd be up for it. As long as mondial are sure they wanna replace emmet...I dunno how well I could fill his shoes but I definitely have a face for radio.
Seriously though, I'd be into it. Will talk to the suckers to see if they're interested.
• #40
You can't subtitle radio, Nik.
• #41
I think Winter Has Come should do it...
This is a cool idea! New team, motivated players, all involved in organising inside the scene with possy attitudes! I like it!
• #42
You can't subtitle radio, Nik.
Ooh mii guod aye duannooh whit ye meen leek. Are yee 'avin a dig er whaah? I'll git the boys on yee!
(oh my goodness, to what are you referring, are you pulling ones leg? I will refer you to my team of motivated and articulate male friends).
• #43
^ gold.
• #44
^^ I never realised you were a Geordie.
• #45
Ha ha!
How about both Nik & Ryan if they are up for it?