• #27
The Alfine 8 in my new bike (less than 2 w.o.) all of a sudden started rattling, making crunching noise and slipping in the 7th gear (just that one). I really don't want to tamper with that hub but the idea of sending the whole bike back to MTB monster is just killing me (been waiting for it since July...). Do you guys think it's worth looking into it myself?
• #29
look down for the pic showing the yellow dots in the inspection window. -
• #30
Hm. That's what I read in other places, although one person was saying it got even worse when he aligned them, so I decided to ignore it. But I guess it doesn't hurt to try as they are not aligned atm. Thanks mate.
• #31
From what I've read, using it with the dots out of alignment is the quickest way to break it.
If it gets worse when the dots are put into alignment then I'd take that as a sign that something is very wrong, not a reason to run with it unaligned.
Either way, continuing to use it ain't gonna fix anything.
• #32
I think when folk say out of alingment they mean slightly like in the picture I linked.
when they're new like yours its VERY unlikely to be an out of the box real fault it's much more likely to a be setup issue.
Also I when you check the dots change gear from 8 - 1 then up back to 4 and check alignment. Then do it in reverse 1 - 8 and back to 4 and check aligment.
It should be the same in both direction. -
• #33
I'd say in my case it's exactly as in the picture you linked to, ~2mm off. I hope it's just a calibration issue but it's also odd that it woeked fine out of the box for a whole week 🤔 Thanks once again!
• #34
Cheers mate, I'll adjust it tonight and see how it goes. Didn't have the time in the morning.
• #35
It does very much like adjustment or more likely your cable's stretched and has gone out of adjustment. It might be that setup initially was on the edge of being out and now the cable had stretched it's gone to far.
The real issue with these shifter/hubs is that it's OK to "set it" on the 4th but you have no way easy way of testing that each other gear selection is actually pulling or releasing the correct amount of cable. There's an article on Sheldon Brown's site where he shows using a vernier to measure the cable pull of the shifter but I'm sure you will not have to resort to that.As M_V says get on it (the adjustment that is) as the more you ride it like this the more likely you are to damage the hub properly.
They're good hubs (well I like em) if they're looked after.
• #36
Initial set up will have been done before the inner had stretched and before the outer was properly seated in ferrules/ferrules seated in frame.
I always check mine immediately after doing anything with the cable (i.e. wheel removal where you've disconnected and reconnected the cable) and then again a few days later.
If you've ridden it to work etc, do it before you ride home. 2mm out sounds like a lot to me. I don't ride mine unless the edges of each dot are aligned.
• #37
@TheShipwright, @M_V many thanks guys, very much appreciated! So I've adjusted the cable and aligned the lines properly and voila! All gears were shifting perfectly during my 20mi test ride. Although today on my regular commute I started noticing that the 6th one is a bit odd. When you shift to it, it's fine as long as you pedal, but in-between pedalling you can feel there's something clipping. Other gears do it as well. I'm wondering If I just have to fine tune it a bit even if those lines are matching perfectly.
My Alfine started slipping in most gears except 1 & 5. I tried all the usual cable adjustment etc.
but nothing helped. I thought maybe its time for a service so opened it up and turns out
the retainer ring for the roller clutch has deformed, some of the rollers kept falling out.
I converted the bike to SLX and by god is the bike fast now. It's amazing how it comes alive
once you remove all the drag and over 700g from the rear wheel.
Shifting isn't as nice though.