• #527
There was a minir impediment to buses and that's intolerable to tfl. Also hs2 construction vehicles need to camp out or something...
Anyone remember that grand plan published at the start of lockdown? Euston road was a badly implemented part of that. The rest they just didn't bother
• #528
Have also just ridden down Euston Road and was shocked to see they’ve pulled it all out. White van swung out of traffic into what was previously the cycle lane and gave me a scare. Hugely dangerous stretch of road now
• #529
A variety of LTNs are being introduced in Haringey with predictably furious response (although to be fair the council has also done a shocking job in publicising and signposting them).
Good to see what was previously a hugely pro-car council start to do something.
• #530
Anyone got any links, etc to why LTNs are good, debunking common myths (preferably with links), etc? Need something to crib from for my local LTN
• #532
Cheers, some useful stuff there
• #533
I'm thinking of making a simple webapp over winter which would allow people to add suggestions to improvements to streets on a map. Is there anything like that that exists at the moment? perhaps @Oliver Schick knows?
• #534
Yep. Commonplace
• #535
Anyone know what this sign on Wick Rd is trying to say?
1 Attachment
• #536
It used to be one-way with a very wide lane which many drivers took as an opportunity to put their foot down.
• #537
Exactly what it says I guess, fewer speeding cars on a two way road (probably with parking down either side so only really room for one car) rather than a one-way street where there is no worry of something coming the other way.
Have some roads recently gone from one way to two way?
• #538
A variety of LTNs are being introduced in Haringey with predictably furious response (although to be fair the council has also done a shocking job in publicising and signposting them).
There is still ongoing fury at these. Loads of roadworks in the area causing congestion but lots of people are insistent that the issue is just the LTNs.
• #539
Hmm, appreciate the explanation of its history, that seems like a weird way of spinning double the traffic and congestion as a positive though .
• #540
Or people's recently increased anger at the LTNs is that they're making roadwork induced traffic even worse than ever. Which given what I've seen myself is probably true.
While I'm generally in favour (and not a car owner), I have a lot of sympathy for people who live on the likes of Harringay/Colina Rd.
P.S. Somewhat cyrptically - are you AW1 now?
• #541
You only get double the traffic if you double the limiting factor of traffic capacity, which is junction capacity. Two-way traffic needs more complex junctions, with therefore lower capacity and therefore less traffic can use them, and because traffic is elastic capacity less traffic does.
In fact the one-way system that was there before was probably introduced to "reduce congestion". The problem in London is that any spare capacity is eaten up by induced demand until congestion returns to the same level.
• #542
Oh yes, there are some reasonable stances but some really unhinged stuff on twitter and whatsapp.
Sounds like some tweaks are planned which may resolve the Harringay/Collina Rd issue and a few others.
Yep, strangely they allowed multiple people with the same name so thought I'd better change.
• #543
As an update on the above, the Haringey council meeting last night was cancelled after a protest about LTNs. Obviously the council are blaming the protestors for disrupting the meeting and the protestors are claiming the council are cowards who refused to face them.
• #544
Same happened at Islington's attempt last week to engage democratically. Apparently 4 or 5 anti ltn attendees were aggressively shouting down any support or even neutral enquiry.
Quite how 4 or 5 people get to dictate these things is beyond me, the police just seem to want to spend as little effort as possible.
• #546
Battersea Bridge and surrounding area changes open for consultation
https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/batterseabridge -
• #548
The City of London are considering removing the St Paul's gyratory.
Plans and early consultation at https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/streets/traffic-schemes-and-proposals/st-pauls-gyratory
• #549
Just had a look through and the plans for option 1 which involve some pedestrianisation seem to be the best; https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/assets/Services-Environment/St-Pauls-Gyratory-Option-1.pdf
Would be a really positive change as cycling through there is pretty unpleasant.
• #550
New Cycleway 50 on Seven Sisters Road (etc) in Islington to go in this year:
https://twitter.com/willnorman/status/1610629035280695297It'll eventually link up to the Camden Square and Royal College Street route into town.
I've just been down Euston road for the first time in a few weeks, they've pulled out the whole segregated cycle lane and put it back to another lane of traffic! WTF?