• #852
Even though I'm playing in one of those games, I agree that seems like a lot of league action for a throw-in day. (How many games, three?)
On another note I'll defo chip in for lights for a Sunday evening session if there's 6.
• #853
cam could you ref our game? We can have throwins beforehand...
• #854
I would be honoured Ben.
• #855
Mitch is only 5 minutes away, I'm also happy to move to Mitch if needed.
• #856
I would be honoured Ben.
Cam to ref Chukker's polo match shocker! Reformed non-reffing free-riding dick list member comes good in dramatic fashion. Or is this a long play for revenge?
Look out for fireworks on Sunday evening as Cameron Staniland, formerly a prominent member of the 'free riding dicks who don't ref' group, breaks with an alleged 6 years of tradition to ref a game.
This is not just any game that Staniland has chosen to ref however, as one of the teams contesting the fixture contains the notorious London League organiser, a shadowy figure known only as 'Chukker V'. He has been referred to by the media as bike polo's answer to 'V' in 'V for Vendetta', just a bit more abraisive with a tendency to use long words. Staniland has been quoted previously, during December's controversial 'refgate', saying:
'Chukker thinks he's V but since taking control of the league, power has corrupted his anti-establishment mind and he's becoming more like Kim Jong-Un'. Staniland backed this up by quoting Chukker's 'fascist' anti-immigration laws which blocked non resident Londoners from playing and his drawing up of the 'non-reffing free-riding dick' hit list. 'Its like Germany in the days of the Stasi and its just not fair' complained Staniland.
The two are rumoured to have called a truce to their war of words but speculation has been rife that the referee is out to to poison Hemlock's tilt at the League 2 title.
When your reporter asked a passing polo player named 'Beagle' what he thought of the controversy, he launched into a diatribe about various other issues and eventually went off on a tangent about throwin attendance that didn't make much sense. He then ended by demanding your reporter's absolute trust and then enquiring if we needed any bicycle parts delivered anywhere.
London polo is, as usual more interesting off court than on court.
• #857
Woah. League Sunday at Downs mayhem. Can people not spread the wealth a bit with the courts or organise some lights so that you don't bite into that precious daylight.
Please take it elsewhere or get lights.
With any luck the #Bestcourtever at HH will be playable for a day of throw-ins too.
• #858
@ Ben Punkture: Brilliant... :D
• #859
Great reporting. The beagle bit is entirely beliegable. I can see it now.
• #860
Cam to ref Chukker's polo match shocker! Reformed non-reffing free-riding dick list member comes good in dramatic fashion. Or is this a long play for revenge?
Look out for fireworks on Sunday evening as Cameron Staniland, formerly a prominent member of the 'free riding dicks who don't ref' group, breaks with an alleged 6 years of tradition to ref a game.
This is not just any game that Staniland has chosen to ref however, as one of the teams contesting the fixture contains the notorious London League organiser, a shadowy figure known only as 'Chukker V'. He has been referred to by the media as bike polo's answer to 'V' in 'V for Vendetta', just a bit more abraisive with a tendency to use long words. Staniland has been quoted previously, during December's controversial 'refgate', saying:
'Chukker thinks he's V but since taking control of the league, power has corrupted his anti-establishment mind and he's becoming more like Kim Jong-Un'. Staniland backed this up by quoting Chukker's 'fascist' anti-immigration laws which blocked non resident Londoners from playing and his drawing up of the 'non-reffing free-riding dick' hit list. 'Its like Germany in the days of the Stasi and its just not fair' complained Staniland.
The two are rumoured to have called a truce to their war of words but speculation has been rife that the referee is out to to poison Hemlock's tilt at the League 2 title.
When your reporter asked a passing polo player named 'Beagle' what he thought of the controversy, he launched into a diatribe about various other issues and eventually went off on a tangent about throwin attendance that didn't make much sense. He then ended by demanding your reporter's absolute trust and then enquiring if we needed any bicycle parts delivered anywhere.
London polo is, as usual more interesting off court than on court.
pure gold
• #861
• #862
lol. love beagle's obligatory appearance.
• #863
Ha, I didn't even know it was Chukker's team (sickburn?). Trust me, trust me.
• #864
Ben, that was amazing. I, like... That was amazing. Do more. Please.
• #865
amazing. deserved rep is deserved.
• #866
Solid gold.
• #867
**Stats reported:
Six Feet Under v Crowbangers
Hot Knives v Acid Trip
Cobras v Acid Trip
Crow Bangers v Hot Knives
Crow Bangers v CobrasThundershafts v Hemlock
Winter has Come v Hemlock
Schlongs v Winter has Come
Clerks v Schlongs
West Way v Thundershafts
Rubik's Pube v West Way
Daredevils v Clerks
Thundershafts v Schlongs
Daredevils v Pubes
Six Feet v Haymakers
Daredevils v Thundershafts
Cobra Kai v Sucker Punch
Schlong Slots v Rubix Pube**Awaiting stats:
Sucker Punch v Haymakers**...
• #868
Crowbangers: 2pm Sunday at Downs?
Thanks Ben
Is this game on?
• #869
yes, possibly moving to Mitch last minute if Downs is busy with pickup
• #870
yes, possibly moving to Mitch last minute if Downs is busy with pickup
I wouldn't worry about that, anyone who's anyone will be at the LHBPA meeting.
• #871
Added to calendar.
• #872
thanks V
• #873
Hehe so good, more of this ben!
• #874
Don't suppose anyone fancies reffing the game between clerks and rubix pubes tomorrow morning at 11??? Bit late, I know.
• #875
ill be there so can ref
If there are lots of people wanting to play pick up at Downs I don't mind riding over to Mitch. I'm sure we can work something out on the day so everyone is happy.