• #1502
I should be there by then a and am willing to ref.
• #1503
I should be there by then a and am willing to ref.
nice one! thanks :-) we'll return the favour with goal reffing on Monday :-) and beer. cheers :)
• #1504
**Today! **who will be crowned
King of the bottom?DFL?!!!
Winter Has Come Vs ThunderShaftsShould be fun! Wish I could make it.
• #1505
Will try to pop down for beers and goal reffage.
• #1506
Will try to pop down for beers and goal reffage.
lovely! thank you so much :-)
• #1507
**Stats reported:
Six Feet Under v Crowbangers
Six Feet v Cobra Kai
Six Feet v Acid Trip
Hot Knives v Acid Trip
Cobras v Acid Trip
Cobras v Haymakers
Crow Bangers v Hot Knives
Crow Bangers v Cobras
Crow Bangers v Acid Trip
Six Feet v Haymakers
Cobra Kai v Sucker Punch
Six Feet v Sucker Punch
Six Feet v Hot Knives
Hot knives v Haymakers
Acid Trip v Haymakers
Acid Trip v Suckerpunch
Haymakers v CrowbangersThundershafts v Hemlock
Winter has Come v Hemlock
Schlongs v Come (obvs)
Clerks v Schlong Shots
West Way v Shafts
Rubix Pube v West
Daredevils v Clerks
Shafts v Schlongs (Obvs)
Daredevils v Pubes
Daredevils v Shafts
Schlongs v Hemlock
Schlongs v Pubes (obvs)
Pubes v Clerks
Pubes v Come (obvs)
Come v Clerks
West v Come
West v Schlongs
Daredevils v Come
Clerks v Shafts
Clerks v Hemlock
Daredevils v Hemlock
Daredevils v Westway
West Way v Hemlock
West Way v Clerks
Pubes v Shafts (obvs)**Awaiting stats:
Sucker Punch v Haymakers (Beagle has)
Hot Knives v Suckerpunch (Beagle has)
King Cobras vs Hot Knives (Spoon has)
Pubes v Hemlock (Badger has)**...
• #1508
In the listing system used above, I next time I would order them by winning team, alphabetical order, and include the score in brackets. Prob in an embedded Excel table.
By my count there is one game left in Div I and two left in Div II. Then we party.
• #1509
Pics from King Cobras vs Hot Knives
• #1510
So what was the score of tonight's game?
• #1511
thundershafts won.... 6-5 i think? but winter has come were victorious in the battle for the bottom.
• #1512
most tense game of the season!
• #1513
I have the scorers, but have left my note book at work (started posting results got interrupted) will post tomorrow.
+1 to Felix, most tense game I've seen so far, don't think there was ever more than one goal in it.
• #1514
yes, very tense!hey, thanks for reffing and thanks Southies too. i think there was a point that Winter was winning by 2 goals, maybe around the middle of the game (?)
• #1515
I think Crow Bangers are playing Sucker Punch at Mitch tonight but i'm not 100%. Can anyone confirm, and if it's on refs and support are always appreciated. Ta.
• #1516
Any chance of some refs this evening for crow bangers/ sucker punch at Mitch.
From 19:30? -
• #1517
Tempted. Is it worth bringing my polo bike or will u all not really be up for throwins?
• #1518
I'd be up for some beforehand for sure
• #1519
sorry guys, i got back from work later than expected so had to bail on that, hope you found a ref
• #1520
Crow Bangers vs Sucker Punch
Chukker 1
00:20 Cam
03:30 Cam
04:26 Joe
09:40 Nik
12:10 Chris(3 – 2)
Chukker 2
02:45 Chris
03:45 Chris
08:10 Ali
09:10 Nik
10:10 Ali
12:40 Chris(8 – 3)
Chuckles 3
05:25 Ali
06:02 Chris
06:40 Ali
07:26 Ali
07:52 Cam
08:47 Ali
11:20 AliFinal score Crowbangers 15 – 3 Sucker Punch
Enjoyable games to watch, fast and mostly clean, lots of good defending and counter attacking from Sucker Punch, but Crowbangers dominated possession and by the last game were very much in control.
Ali – 7
Chris – 5
Cam – 3
Nik – 2
Joe – 1 -
• #1521
Last game of the season for us! Daredevils v Schlong Slots is tomorrow, Mon 24 March, at Downs.
We have lights booked (will post here what time from...) and will play throw-ins before. We're likely to start league game around 7.45 / 8.
Can we have some refs for this please?
• #1523
Last game of the season for us! Daredevils v Schlong Slots is tomorrow, Mon 24 March, at Downs.
We have lights booked (will post here what time from...) and will play throw-ins before. We're likely to start league game around 7.45 / 8.
Can we have some refs for this please?
happy to goal ref / time keep! :-)
• #1524
was there even a bike involved?
• #1525
Nah, he looked at Bill the wrong way and the next thing you know...
**Today! **who will be crowned King of the bottom?
Winter Has Come Vs ThunderShafts
**7:45pm **at newington gardens (2nd court, hopefully this won't influence throw ins)
Get ready for The Battle for the Bottom!
goal ref1: Aleksandra
goal ref2: Rick
chief ref: Louis
timekeeping: ?Phil