• #653
West coast was amazing In summer. Beautiful towns and beaches, lots of campsites, smooth roads and idyllic 20km stretches through national parks/forests. Only potential downside was it was pretty flat (we did it fixed and brklzz - idiots). We're doing part of it again this year. Last time we did st Malo to st Sebastian. This year Nantes to Barcelona.
• #654
Only thing I would say is that actually if you're riding a loaded bike, long steady not to steep climbs in the alps combined with suuuuper long descents are actually a lot less work than rolling country when you never carry any momentum and you have short punchy climbs.
If your friends are happy doing 70 mile days than they really would be ok with some of the big alpine passes that are pretty gentle in terms in steepness. For eg. A day going over two big peaks in the Alps is (IMO) much easier than the equivilant number of miles in the yorkshire dales/ snowdonia
And that is doubly true on loaded bikes
• #655
Yep, absolutely agree, but the routes I'm looking at through France are nothing like the Dales/Wales - pretty flat and gentle, cruisey, will be easier than the alps! Don't get me wrong, I'm mad keen to go to the mountains, but I don't think it fits the bill for this trip...
• #656
St Malo to St Seb will be very similar to what I'm looking at! I don't suppose you've got a route saved somewhere you'd be happy to share? Would love to see it.
Sounds like a good recommendation, we're looking at July/August for maximum burn/holidaying families (also only time we can all get leave). Did you come through Dordogne/Bordeaux at all? My only concern with staying West was it might feel a bit similar/lack variety - did you find this at all?
Cheers - info really appreciated.
• #657
Do you mean Gascogne?
If so yeah we went straight through I think, beautiful part of the world. No accurate record of route we were using map and compass and winging it.
On paper it might be a bit samey but in reality the scenery and landscape was quite varied, big forests, national parks, beach paths.
The first 3 days from st malo going w/sw were undulating as well and passed through some beautiful towns.
I would definitely recommend it.
@laner did a similar route, he may have a gpx. He did it at a different time of year I think and wasn't as blessed as we were with calm winds and sunshine.
• #658
got my routes are here https://ridewithgps.com/users/55160/routes
I went inland from St Malo before meeting the coast at la rochelle, but guessing you'll want to go more direct. -
• #659
Agree with this so much. The rolling coast in North California was really tough, constant small uphill bumps which take away all of your momentum and you inevitably end up trying hard up them. Exhausting.
• #660
No, the Dordogne - region in SW France. Looking at the map again maybe a bit further in-land than you went? Had it in mind as a 'nice' place. My knowledge of France is that basic unfortunately...
Sounds amazing, definitely increasing confidence that West might be best for what we're after.
• #661
Cheers for this! Looks like exactly what I'm after - any particular highlights/stretches of road or cycle path that stood out/favourite towns or sights etc?
• #662
I must admit it was years ago so i don't remember any particular bits.
Read @CYOA 's lovely massive report on his trip for inspiration http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/194902/ -
• #663
Incroyable! That's perfect, will save that for lunchbreak/later when I can't be arsed to work... cheers
• #664
Anyone toured Corsica? Tentative plans for 22-28 of June. Looking at transport options (what a cluster fuck), but any advice appreciated.
• #665
@plexarice @alialias Is my girlfriend* in danger of being under-geared along Hwy 101 with a compact double (34 front/32 back) and a couple of semi-loaded panniers? She's pretty fit but quite petite!
(*Same gears for me, but obviously I'm Eddy Merckx or something.)
• #666
Nah I doubt it. I was on a cross chainset (46/36) and an 11-34 cassette and sometimes yearned for a lower gear! I was heavily loaded (large rear panniers, small front panniers and bar-bag) so maybe take that into account too. I never got to use the top end of the gear range at all as I found panniers slowed me down a lot downhill despite the weight, due to the added drag I think.
Is there really such a thing as undergeared on a tour? -
• #667
halcyon dayz
Might dig out the pictures and re-link them. Though not sure I could handle the shock of seeing myself weigh less than about 40 stone.
• #668
Yep she'll be fine. I did it on 46/36 with a 11-28 cassette.
• #669
Having just read, and greatly enjoyed, your write up I would be keen to see pics!
• #670
Ta, both. Sorry I meant over-geared, but from what you're both saying I reckon we'll be OK. Obviously I'm being a gent and carrying the tent, 2x sleeping mats, lock, and probably the cooking gear, and we're both packing quite strategically apart from that. A trial run through the B roads of Devon in a couple of weeks might give us a better idea.
• #671
aside from the cycling, make sure you plan in a journey via the train from calvi to Ajaccio (or vice versa) - it traverses a most beautiful mountain landscape
the etangs of the east coast are sublime
desert 'agriates is lunar like and pretty arid
the coast road through the calanques to piana to ajaccio is stunning
more good stuff here > http://corsica.forhikers.com/attractions
• #672
Where are you starting/finishing?
• #673
Somewhere in the vicinity of Portland, most likely Astoria, and definitely finishing San Francisco. ~800 miles of the ACA route, basically.
• #674
Thanks dude (for this and the other post). My mate (who's there every year) has got the details of the ride planned out. Through the middle of the island, Ajaccio > Bastia. Looks very, very, climby, but he's planned very, very, short days.
• #675
The sea will be shockingly warm already,
rivers as well.
Grany gear is your friend.
@madman cycled fix from London to Bilbao last year and made a really beautiful video of the trip. He might have something to say/recommend
From the Fixed touring thread: http://www.lfgss.com/comments/12650282/