• #2227
Anyone who is worried about liability and proving they are a member can certainly add themselves to the club via British Cycling, the club is LFGSS CC. This will give them a public proof of club membership and does not cost anything more than a British Cycling membership.
Plenty of testers would rather give up cycling than have anything to do with BC :-)
If you believe that the club itself must hold a record of members, then please point me to whatever articles exist that dictate that.
I can't find any regulation stating that a club must have a register of members, I'm simply saying that it would be a reasonable precaution.
If the club rule is that every person is a member who so asserts, that leaves no room to exclude a person from membership. There might be circumstances in which lfgss.cc wishes to revoke a person's membership (bringing the club into disrepute, acting in the name of the club in a manner contrary to the aims of the club etc.), so if you're not going to maintain a whitelist, you're going to have to maintain a blacklist instead.
It seems on balance that it is better to ask everybody to complete a simple application and declaration before any problems arise than to deal with arguments after one bad event.
If everybody puts his name to something like this:
I hereby apply to join the LFGSS Cycling Club and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the club. I understand that I participate in Club activities entirely at my own risk and that no liability whatever shall attach to the Club, its Officials or Members in respect of injury, loss or damage suffered by me, however caused.
You'll save everybody a potential shitload of grief.
• #2228
From the formation minutes:
"6. Membership of LFGSS
All agreed that members would have to fill in some sort of membership form, if only a very basic one in order to comply with constitution and for formal club membership records." -
• #2229
If membership is free, then can't the account information of LFGSS count as a list and anyone who isn't user064528474 is a member? Making a change to the profile page being submitting a membership form?
• #2230
By the way I make this the evening:
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/264/200/acb.jpg -
• #2231
Having renewed my memebership before Xmas and not having realised that this was an option I would just like to say arse.
Arse. -
• #2232
I was last a BC member in 2013 and it didn't work for me at the end of 2014.
• #2233
Same address?
• #2234
No, and I just tried again with different address and email. Same name, though I tried Andy instead of Andrew. Not too bothered about joining BC though.
• #2235
• #2236
No, not unless you want to road race.
• #2237
• #2238
"British Cycling" can fuck off.
I don't want to join a "club".
I need an affiliated organisation that allows me to race.
Having considered the above, I'm now more happy about paying the asking price for a jersey.
• #2239
"British Cycling" can fuck off.
I've just spent the last 5 minutes trying to google for a photo of Chris Boardman looking sad so I could post it as a response to this comment, but every single picture of him on the whole internet looks like this:
"U WOT M8" -
• #2240
I wish I'd taken a photo after our team beat his in a quiz once. He was not happy.
• #2241
He would have had you killed, that's how he keeps his sad face off the Internet.
Consider it a lucky escape.
• #2242
Just looks kinda disappointed tbh.
• #2243
I don't want to join a "club".
I need an affiliated organisation that allows me to race.If you're over 40, you can join an association instead of a club, your local VTTA group is affiliated to CTT, so you can ride TTs under the name of your VTTA group. There are a few other organisations which aren't clubs which are also CTT affiliates, giving members the same rights to ride TTs as members of conventional cycling clubs. Some CTC DAs used to be affiliated, not sure whether any still are. For £30, you could affiliate yourself as Team Scilly Suffolk :-)
• #2244
I <3 Chris. Srzly.
British Cycling can fuck off because it's a data-pool, replete with the sort of Strava-hero, "what's the best lightweight Winter wheel", "it's not a race [wink, wink]" twat I go out of my way to avoid.
Just because someone rides a bike, it doesn't mean I have any sort of affinity with them: wankersz come in all shapes and sizes.
All I want is an umbrella organisation that allows me to do what I want to do, with the bare minimum of "what tyres you running?" and "...smashing it...".
PS Nothing personal B.: you'd be welcome to join my "club of none"... but you wouldn't want to...
• #2245
If you're over 40...
How very dare you! But yes...
I did join the VTTA last year, but because I wasn't a member of an actual club, it complicated things (I wasn't eligible for XYZ).
Either way, LFGSS.CC is just as much as I want: the rest I have covered with the CTC (eg insurance).
If I wanted company, I would have made more of an effort not to be such a cunt.
I don't; so I didn't.
• #2246
This thread can be closed as jerseys are available for sale!
On membership, that is solved too, I've added a zero priced item into the shop through which you can purchase "formal club membership". The club members can be described as anyone that has purchased anything from us (even at zero price), as well as anyone who puts down LFGSS CC as their club on BC.
• #2247
What's the limit on username?
Would like 'are a bunch of cunts' just for forum rides and non-Norths beers. -
• #2248
That's awesome.
I've put in 20 letters as the limit, but really it's space that is the issue and m is wider than i.
20 letters is basically fine, though Ed may have to shrink the font a little if the phrasing is too lengthy.
I would strongly advise people stick to ASCII and extended characters only, and not to venture into unicode. I'm not going to accept returns if people are disappointed their emoticon didn't render as expected ;)
• #2249
Hmm, who's getting slack chain or do a skid?
I'm going to go for "Chainbreaker" just to confuse people and annoy cb :)
• #2250
Anyone who is worried about liability and proving they are a member can certainly add themselves to the club via British Cycling, the club is LFGSS CC. This will give them a public proof of club membership and does not cost anything more than a British Cycling membership. Anyone racing as a club member is encouraged to do this (and has been since formation of the club).
Feel free to point me at the relevant rules on the CTT website or attach such documents here if you believe that this is insufficient.
If you believe that the club itself must hold a record of members, then please point me to whatever articles exist that dictate that. I know of none, but perhaps I haven't read widely enough.