• #27
Aha you know where I live :)
Yeah I guess I could but it'd be a bit of squeeze as it's already got an ergo, fridge, freezer, washing machine, tumble dryer and piano in at the moment and also I'm quite looking forward to this building project.
• #28
The garage is a good place for the washing machine, you can drop the washing straight down from the secret chute in the bathroom cabinet.
• #29
Ahaha the chute is brilliant! But this is scary...
How do you know all of this?
• #30
I just know.
• #31
Would personally use something like 20mm gravel instead of the bark. Bark = Mass breeding ground for flies.
• #32
I just know.
Would personally use something like 20mm gravel instead of the bark. Bark = Mass breeding ground for flies.
Thanks, I had no idea what would be best.
Great day today so I did lots of digging and pretty much levelled the ground until I discovered a large metal pole sticking out of the ground. I dug around it for a couple of hours and still it would not come out. Any idea what it could be? I'll post a picture tomorrow.
• #33
Old scaffold pole,
used as anchor point for previous washing line?(probably anchored in a large lump of 'site' concrete,
hard core/gravel/sand). -
• #34
Could be, I've dug down about 3 feet now and it's not budging at all
• #35
If its that long,
its definitley the conning tube of a decommissioned submarine
bought and buried by a previous paranoid owner of the property as a fall-out/survival shelter. -
• #36
I just know.
And I know how you know. But I'm not telling.
• #37
I know how you found out how I would know and I think it would be no fun if the OP were to know what we both know. So let's keep it our secret. Y'know?
• #38
Nobody spied on me when I was building my shed :-(
• #39
Or did they...........
• #40
I know how you found out how I would know and I think it would be no fun if the OP were to know what we both know. So let's keep it our secret. Y'know?
Deal. Because I know how you found out how I found out how you would know. And I wouldn't want anyone else to know that.
• #41
Let me have your address BN an I will happily come round in the middle of the night and watch you sleeping too.
• #42
Aaaaaand subscribed.
• #43
Let me have your address BN an I will happily come round in the middle of the night and watch you sleeping too.
• #44
As I grow older I find the shed build threads infinitely more interesting than anything else in Current Projects, or most of this site for that matter.
Perhaps I should join a shed forum..
• #45
I wish I had room for a shed.
• #46
This. I'd love a shed!
• #47
Perhaps I should join a shed forum..
I bet they're full of bike builds.
• #48
Made some progress today:
Here is the pole..
IMG_1399 by joe todd1, on FlickrEmployed myself a Chinese Labourer
IMG_1401 by joe todd1, on FlickrSo it was just a boring rivet thingy...
IMG_1402 by joe todd1, on FlickrThe big square hole, ready for sand, rocks and cement.
IMG_1408 by joe todd1, on FlickrAnd all that earth had to go somewhere..
IMG_1406 by joe todd1, on Flickr -
• #49
^ Potentially a lovely garden there too!
Pile of old bricks = barbecue :-)
I built this from a pile of bricks and two paving slabs this weekend.
http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x430/howardmarksmith/21757E94-DE2C-4181-8DF9-B7D6D3C384E1-31201-000030667BEB191A_zpscfb5e0cb.jpgA Shed is next..
• #50
Wait... you've just moved in, and you've done all this?
You're supposed to just look at the place and wonder what the hell to do for a couple of years, no?
Can't you just put the bikes in the little narrow garage at the front of the house?