• #27
Martin, double disc this.
• #28
Still no response to my email...
• #29
• #30
his rossin is 1,2k.maybe a grand for the former question, then.
Would still consider it, if it was my size.
• #31
2k for an old battered steel frame pulled out of a store room in Russia?
• #32
Martin, double disc this.
Aerospoke or gtfo
• #33
What would actually be a fair price for this?
at least this is something..
but as you guys know from the pictures I posted on Rossin Pursuit thread there's three of them... and they're bound to surface at some point for sale which will lower the price.
and guys it's at least 2am in russia so be patient.
• #34
2k for an old battered steel frame pulled out of a store room in Russia?
• #35
question I would like to see answers for is:
would you want it?I would go with no
• #36
Hard to price these i would imagine. Have 2 friends who own a laser each, they figure they are worth 10k gbp each. Im clueless to their value but it sounds ridiculous!
But then again many bike prices are, like this ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Custom-Built-Touring-Bicycle-Bike-Huret-Phil-Wood-TS-Mafac-Ideale-3ttt-/350794331059?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51acf8b3b3
• #37
Does it barspin?
• #38
question I would like to see answers for is:
would you put risers on it?I would go with yes
• #39
2 pairs of Levi's and a 4 pack of Andrex aloe Vera toilet roll.
• #40
Got to agree with 1000aa on this, I've got no use for it.
Of course, if I won the lottery and had a massive house I'd stick it on a stand with a spotlight on it.
• #41
Hard to price these i would imagine. Have 2 friends who own a laser each, they figure they are worth 10k gbp each. Im clueless to their value but it sounds ridiculous!
But then again many bike prices are, like this ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Custom-Built-Touring-Bicycle-Bike-Huret-Phil-Wood-TS-Mafac-Ideale-3ttt-/350794331059?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51acf8b3b3http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&item=350794331059&mpt=9747300
i know it's a tt bike, and it has a spanking c record groupset on it but 10k is about bang on: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200924911723?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
• #42
^^same. even I would feel guilty for putting something silly on it. and if I ever decided to play some c-record game, well - then I would never live up to the frame's name.
• #43
i know it's a tt bike, and it has a spanking c record groupset on it but 10k is about bang on: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200924911723?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Yeah i know and theirs are pistas so they are prolly worth even more.
Its still silly tho .)
• #44
ten grand? :/ fuck that id buy me a BMW...
• #45
well you can get a bmw anytime.
• #46
True, but come on ten large? your having a giggle...
• #47
I'll pay you little bit more than you paid for it. 30000 rubles?
• #48
^^ how many have you ever seen for sale?
(I am not justifying it, but I sort of understand where it is coming from) -
• #49
I have never seen one for sale before, but I'm sure he will find a silly willy willing to pay something ludicrous for it...
• #50
If I had the cash I'd buy it and give it to scoble to see it with a jaunty brooks and full bikepacking.
fair price imo would be around 2k, in this condition.