• #27
Just thinking about luggage. Will we able to bring any flour home?
• #28
The mill is certainly producing flour, not sure whether it will have been milling in the lead up to our arrival though.
• #29
Bump - first post updated with timings for next Sat.
• #30
sub'ed, will join work permitting
• #31
I'm hoping to be all healed up in time for this after being hit by a car last week. More importantly the bike won't be mended so will be bringing my knackered old touring bike. I'm sure the triple will come in handy on those climbs...
• #32
OUT! will be doing "bridges" on fri/sat so won't be around for this (will be going to Herne Bay on sunday tho)
- upstart
- Oliver Schick
- Woah Cats
- Rod Munch
- bothwell
- wiganwill
- Hairy
- Dumps
- middleofnowhere
- blue fleet
- hats
- upstart
• #33
subb'd, not adding myself to the list yet, but might do.
• #34
Y U NO Wimbledon Mill?
• #35
I did consider it, but thought I probably be starting the ride there on my own.
Long range weather looking good at the moment.
• #36
also out. No monies for train... :(
- upstart
- Oliver Schick
- Woah Cats
- Rod Munch
- bothwell
- wiganwill
- Dumps
- middleofnowhere
- blue fleet
- hats
- upstart
• #37
That's a terrible reason not to come. I can pay for your fare and you can pay me back later. Yes?
• #38
... it's money for beer that's more of a problem!
• #39
what time would you be aiming to get a train in peterborough?
• #40
I have stupidly decided to cycle around the North Yorkshire Moors instead of doing this. I think I'm already regretting it.
Please look out for my parents village - it has a big sign saying "home of the mountain rescue team" and a pub called the Mad Cat.
- upstart
- Oliver Schick
- Woah Cats
- Rod Munch
- bothwell
- wiganwill
- Dumps
- middleofnowhere
- blue fleet
- upstart
• #41
what time would you be aiming to get a train in peterborough?
Hard to say to be honest... obviously depends on how quickly we get to Moulton and then how quickly we leave, plus which route home people opt for. I'd very roughly estimate 1900ish but could be very different to that
• #42
The nights are already drawing in so it may be worth bringing lights. I'll join you at the A1010 junction with White Hart Lane. I guess you'll swing past around 0900.
• #43
Sounds good, hopefully you won't have to hide in a bus shelter like last year!
• #44
Excitingly, my route to the start takes me via the Old Post Office Bakery on Landor Road - great supporters of the Brixton mill - who I know for a fact produce a "Windmill Loaf". I may not pick one of those up, but if anyone starting at Brixton would like me to grab them a tasty pastry, please shout.
• #45
oh shithouse i forgot i'd put my name down for this. i've double booked so sorry i'm out. i look forward to pics and tales of the adventure. have fun.
• #46
anyone starting at Brixton would like me to grab them a tasty pastry, please shout.
Me please!
I'm aiming to be at Brix for 0750 to be off promptly at 8 so as not to keep the northern folk waiting.
Having never actually been to Brixton Windmill before can't pick a good meet spot, so let's just say at the bottom of the Mill itself.
Will check the thread at the pick ups, PM me if you want my mobile number.
• #47
I'll be at Clerkenwell Mill for 08:30*
*However, if disaster strikes and I'm pushed for time I'll try and pick you up @ Seven Sisters (the nearest point to home)...
• #48
^ we're delayed a few mins so lets say 0840 at Clerkenwell
• #49
Heading to Clerkenwell now so if you're running late, post up and we'll meet you there
• #50
(rather obviously) out
thought this was happening on sunday so had a series of organisational fails. Have a lovely day!
Aww yiss. Was thinking about this ride today as I wearily weighed up the tedium of yet another Box Hill lap. Looking forward to this a lot, bonus refreshments are amazing news.