• #27
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 2 ninja capped
- rick: 2 ninja capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- ryan: some shit
• #28
Hey guys,
so the conversion is :Ninja capped 21.12
Simple Capped 21.12
Light shafts 18.31
Bolts 3.66The LHBPA will prob let me buy it with their funds!!!! so dont pay me now after all!!! i will work it all out when stuff arrives!
if you already paypalled me thats ok, any changes i will let you know.nik
• #29
Payment sent.
• #30
Yeah, I paid. Too fast.
• #31
so 2 full mallets would be £85? when did polo get so expensive
• #32
I don't think Switzerland is the most economical country to import from, which is adding to the problem.
• #33
I would love to try a milk head as they are arguably the best heads available but think we should be supporting UK companies, it seems to be cheaper and must be environmentally nicer depending on how there shipped
• #34
Not so bad at the moment, CHF is quite low: https://www.google.co.uk/finance?hl=en&safe=off&q=chf&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42661473,d.d2k&biw=1273&bih=679&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=we
• #35
so 2 full mallets would be £85? when did polo get so expensive
Actually, if you added the bolt in your calculation you don't have to, the shafts comes already with the fixation bolt mounted in.
But yes, Switzerland is not that cheap and having to add the VAT doesn't help i agree...
• #36
but the heads do last for a long time.
• #37
but the heads do last for a long time.
I know, I was putting my name down for 2 heads 2 poles and worked out the price and though shit, maybe not
• #39
I know, I was putting my name down for 2 heads 2 poles and worked out the price and though shit, maybe not
The prepared shafts are the same as the Perro poles from throw in I think? works out a bit cheaper getting poles that way and bolts from milk. But yes, mad expensive.
• #40
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 2 ninja capped
- rick: 2 ninja capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
- ryan: some shit
• #41
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 1 ninja capped
- rick: 2 ninja capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
final call
- ryan: some shit
• #42
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 2 ninja capped
- rick: 2 ninja capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
- Playswellwithotters: ninja single capped head + custom bolt for light shaft
Thanks Nik!
- ryan: some shit
• #43
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 2 ninja capped
- rick: 2 ninja capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
- Playswellwithotters: ninja single capped head + custom bolt for light shaft
- Idealstandard: Ninja 1.1 single capped head
too late?
- ryan: some shit
• #44
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 2 ninja capped
- rick: 1 ninja capped, 1 simple capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
- Playswellwithotters: ninja single capped head + custom bolt for light shaft
- Idealstandard: Ninja 1.1 single capped head
Tweaked my order. Ta Nik!
- ryan: some shit
• #45
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- vit: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- luca..his sponsored stuff
- jess: 1 ninja capped
- rick: 1 ninja capped, 1 simple capped
- Chan: 2 ninja capped, 2 light shafts (can give you cash this weekend)
- antonio single white capped head
- Playswellwithotters: ninja single capped head + custom bolt for light shaft
- Idealstandard: Ninja 1.1 single capped head
Order Placed.
I have paid for this myself. So please pay me back or i will not be going on holiday! Via paypal is great. Once it arrives i will work out individual prices and message you all.
You can pick up your stuff from me at LookMum, throw ins or Manchester, Bristol tourneys! Just let me know!
- ryan: some shit
• #46
Too late for a litre of Semi-Skimmed?
• #47
yes. thats a gaylord drink anyway. full fat 4 life.
• #48
oh shit, forgot about this. sorry nik. let me know how much and i'll paypal you
• #49
hey all,
order is in customs, just waiting for it to arrive and i will post here how much everyone owes. woop!
nik -
• #50
hi everyone, package in post office, im just gonna pay the import and it will be here tomorrow. i will post the list with cash owed this afternoon.
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
Nice one Nik!