• #12377
My cats used to go outside for le poop.
I am in a new place and have carpets so litter trays are back.They just stopped using it at my old temporary flat after 2 months. They would go in the morning, come in and sleep and go later on. Even the naughty one had no accidents! We did have the door open a lot though maybe not in winter but they still did their business freely outside.
How risky is just getting rid of the trays entirely? I'm coming up to two months here...
Cat flap needed? I'm at work everyday and there's no one at home anymore :( -
• #12378
You know as soon as you get rid if them the cats will piss on your sofa and do a massive shit on your pillow.
But yeah get rid of them should be fine -
• #12379
Give 'em a cat flap, they'll love it.
• #12380
We had a suspicion one or both cats were doing their businesses outside but both still used the litter tray. In the end we just removed the tray and cautiously watched the cats lots. That was months ago and only had a couple accidents since
• #12381
Nico taking a keen interest in TMS
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• #12382
Do I recall correctly and someone on here has combined a microchip cat feeder with a timed cat feeder? If so, could you give a few more details please.
• #12383
That was me.
I got one of these, cut a hole in the bottom and placed it on top of one of these .
It is certainly a little awkward for our cat to use, but she has got used to it now and the success rate of her taking her medication that is inside is very high. If you can't visualise it, I can take a picture later.
The only other option I could think of was to use a microchip catflap to allow her access to a specific place where she ate away from the other cat. Either a kennel type job, or a specific room, but I couldn't work that out in our house. -
• #12384
Nico taking a keen interest in TMS
Love the "face" of the stereo as well : )
• #12385
Who realised here how dangerous lillies were to cats? I certainly didn't.
So just a heads up, daughter found new kitten covered in pollen from some lillies I had bought wifey, ( actually saw her with her head in flower ) and remembering something she had heard called the vet for advice.
Vet said bring her in IMMEDIATELY . Can cause kidney failure in 6 to 12 hours and if not treated straight away is often fatal.
So kitten on a drip , flushed her through , blood samples taken and had to give her activated charcoal last night, and she's had to go in again today to repeat.
They think after her third blood test last night she gonna be ok as we got her there quickly.
So watch out peeps, if this had happened whilst she was on her own .......
And apparently is ALL parts of plant even if they get pollen on fur and then wash themselves. -
• #12386
Lilies are the worst from what I've read, but any from-a-bulb-with-stamen type flowers are bad, ie. daffodils, tulips.
Very glad to hear quick action saved the day.
• #12387
Thanks buddy , all I can say is thank fuck for decent vets.
And pet plan, yesterday was £700 and probably same for today! -
• #12388
There are many many common plants that are toxic to cats. Definitely worth looking up a list of the worst ones and removing them from the house and garden. Not much you can do about neighbours gardens but at least you can make your home more kitty safe
• #12389
Lots of lilies in our garden... But the cats have never attempted to eat them (touch wood). They do eat grass and occasionally sick it up in the house.
I wonder if kittens are perhaps more at risk being in general more curious / stupid / accident prone?
• #12390
Cats protection league provides this list of "red" plants for toxicity
Crocus autumn*
(colchicum autumnale, crocus sativus, liliaceae)
Day lily (hemerocallis)
Foxglove** (digitalis)
Fritillary (snakeshead)
Gloriosa superba (glory lily, flame lily, climbing lily)
Juniper* (savin, sabina) berries
Lily** (lilium, hemerocallis) – all lilies
Lily of the valley** (convallaria majalis)
Nerium oleander** (dogbane family)
Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of Bethlehem)
Vinca minor (periwinkle)
Water hemlock
Yew (taxus) -
• #12391
Got most of that in the garden depending on season. Good thing that the enormous ginger Tom that lives upstairs is a house cat. Then again, I hate the bastard…….
(Joking, not about hating the cat, but the implication I might encourage the spiteful, unfriendly, arm ripping sod to go outside and be poisoned. My daughter likes him.)
• #12392
Also certain olive plants too.
Cat will be very ill if it eats the leaves.
• #12394
He assumed they were all abandoned and took them?
Mumma cat is going to be upset when she comes back -
• #12395
Yup... all rescued.
• #12396
Always a good time to rewatch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZo3Lfe8MBI
• #12397
• #12398
Catz r recharging
1 Attachment
• #12399
Free cat. Collection from Royston. Won’t post or split.
3 Attachments
• #12400
I've just moved from a flat to house with a garden and my cats are no longer indoor only cats so I'm selling my automatic/self cleaning litter box since it's not serving much of a purpose anymore.
Its one of these Pet Safe Scoop free ones and comes with the additional re-usable tray so you can use your own litter instead of the expensive disposable box thingies. £80 for forumengers before I chuck it on ebay or gumtree