• #10802
Oh no, ours is the same and always has been, fights like a Lion as soon as she realises.
When I have to do it now, I pick her up from behind holding her front paws underneath her if that makes sense, the Vet showed me how to do it, it doesn't hurt them, but stops them being able to scratch you.
• #10803
This photo is ace.
Pocket had her annual check up on Wednesday. Same situation. Poked her out from under the bed with a brolly and was then very lucky that her escape route came close enough for me to have a one shot attempt at getting hold. It was like Apollo 13. I was sweaty and triumphant!
• #10804
Moon shot 😆. Know exactly what you mean line up the carrier and try to push the cat in that general direction.
• #10806
My poor mum is currently in the car outside a vets in Suffolk. Not one but both her old cats are in there. Worryingly they let my dad take them in - which I’m translating as it being a big decision for the more poorly one. They wouldn’t normally let him in during covid.
I think they’re about 18... can’t be sure. Ali is very frail. I think she’s the one they’re most worried about. Not eating and 2.8 kilos now.
Dot is suddenly blind... but she’s a big truck of a thing and I’ve a hunch she’ll live to (not) see another day.
Rough to have to take them both in at once though.
• #10807
Dad’s brought out both moggies. Tough little bastards aren’t they! They live to fight another day apparently.
• #10808
Brilliant hope they keep going 👍👍
• #10809
Always a worry at that age, but yeah, they don’t give up easily!
• #10811
Heh. Awesome pic.
My cat doesn’t like the vet but she’s so placid she doesn’t freak out at all, just gets slightly miffed. On the plus side she loves going in the car so I don’t even have to put her in her cage, I just pop her into my Timbuk2 and she just sits on the passenger seat and looks out of the window.
• #10812
Yeah not you.... your cat I guess I meant.
• #10813
Wife has been bitten by our cat twice and needed jabs both times.
• #10814
My finger is now very swollen and purple so unless it's better in the morning then I'm off to the hospital. Isn't cat ownership great.
• #10815
Go now
• #10816
I ended up needing a tetanus booster after getting very lightly nibbled by a dog, felt like a tit sitting in A&E with the most minor wound in the world but not worth taking the risk! All animals have all sorts of gross stuff in the mouth that you don't want in your blood stream. If you're not sure call 111.
• #10817
It won't be better in the morning - cats mouths are very mucky places
• #10818
This, put the cat in the crate quickly and get down there.
• #10819
Went to the hospital this morning, got turned away "we don't do that here"... Called the international clinic, they said no... Went to a really local hospital in a dusty corner of the city where everyone crowded round to watch me get told off by the doctor. Shots done. Need more shots. Finger is less swollen. Meanwhile, the vet has sent me updates of my cat and she is wearing a cone of shame and looking pissed off about life. YOU AND ME BOTH, CATFACE.
• #10820
This fella helped out today putting vinyl back
1 Attachment
• #10821
Glad you got the shot cats mouths are filthy dirty and can cause really nasty infections and worse. Oh nooo cone of shame. You can get softer ones that do the same when I was fostering one cat had the cone and kept bashing in to furniture so we switched to soft one she seemed much happier.
• #10822
Great photo. Great cat. Does cat prefer early rave or more electro vibes?
• #10823
Looks like lounge gabba fan.
• #10824
Great photo. Great cat. Does cat prefer early rave or more electro vibes?
He was deep into some Psych earlier on. Now on some Dub Techno, now he's had his crunchies
• #10825
Awww noo I had that a few times. Hope the bite isn't too bad worth getting a injection from the docs as cat bites are dirty. Hope princes forgives you.