• #52
More pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/55501350@N03/
• #53
Great ride.
• #54
Gary is a cunt.
also he is a cabbie. nuff said.
Gary, please don't.
• #55
My fellow Leytonian's slo-mo lean over fall on a corner descending Beckton Alps was pretty rad too
Damn, I think I missed that - I was right at the back.
Here's my pictures: Ride East 6
They're most black and white to better show the epicdrinkingriding and nobledrinkingsuffering. A few I like:
• #56
STUNNING PHOTOS MR.KISS, shame that beckton is not always this lovely...
• #57
Yes it was a lovely day. QUALITY shots there Shinkuu! Thanks for sharing.
• #58
thanks, it was a great day for it...
• #59
great pics guys,ty
• #61
... also, stop 'avin a go at Gary, after all, even if he did nearly plough into 5 of you, he "was only doin' 5mph"...
so that's alright, eh?
My fellow Leytonian's slo-mo lean over fall on a corner descending Beckton Alps was pretty rad too