• #352
serve us all.
Would we really all want coffee at every stop we make?
• #353
I can only speak for myself, but I'm certainly going to try!
Brunswick House is a restaurant that serves coffee, not a cafe. They're likely to have other priorities, namely serving customers who are paying for food (which they're not particularly quick at at the best of times in my experience).
• #354
missmouse has been talking to all the places we're going to visit, I'm sure she's got it covered.
• #355
I think this is one of those occasions where people have to accept that it is impossible for everyone to be happy all the time...
But yeah, the venues all know we are coming, it'll be fine.
• #356
...it is impossible for everyone to be happy all the time...
Some of the people some of the time, not all of the people all of the time.
That pretty much sums up my management style.
• #357
I can only speak for myself, but I'm certainly going to try!
Brunswick House is a restaurant that serves coffee, not a cafe. They're likely to have other priorities, namely serving customers who are paying for food (which they're not particularly quick at at the best of times in my experience).
I thought it's both a restaurant and cafe?
• #358
jelly : (
• #359
have to be home at 13:00 so I'll come to the first few..
anyone know what the order is and where we'll be around 12-12:30?
• #360
- 50/14
- Missmouse
- mk1mark
- Hauska
- Apollo
- Aroogah (tentatively)
- Hingis & Hats
- tomatoe
- mrs_socks
- fred +1
- jdp (prov)
- Rowhan
- Bombcup
- Zebs
- angelasalt
- BenJam
- HoKe (possible + 1)
- JackFlash
- b&d
- ian (cona)
- 1000archangels
- Daveypants
- BareNecessities
- Robadob
- shinkuu kiss
- Branwen
- ada 33. Rubicon
- Passion
- Samson
- laner
- Cupcakes
- Eamesy 39. Amygdala
- Thoma
- kati
- edscoble
- william1984
- alfie +non forumer sam
- Billybob
- Rodabod
- Shaw
- 50/14
• #361
OK y'all, here's the route: http://goo.gl/maps/o4WFS
Given hats and I I have had countless punctures this week (OK I've had 5) so scuppering my chances of doing a recce, it's probably for the best - ha! (I do now have two brand new tubes though.)
See you all at 10am at Prufrock.
• #362
I hope you're all coming to Muddy Hell afterwards? After all you'll need to vent all your hyper-caffeinated energy somehow, and it might as well be by furiously shaking cow bells and shouting at people on bikes in mud.
• #363
I'm considering it. Will have to see how cold or monged I am by then. You'll be there then?
• #364
Yes miss!
• #365
Why you no come on this ride first?
• #366
I think i'm gonna have to give it a miss.
2am and i'm still on a guiness ride...See some of you at Muddy Hell...
• #367
i think i'm gonna have to give it a miss.
2am and i'm still on a guiness ride...See some of you at muddy hell...
• #368
^just got home. I so cold :-(
• #369
I so cold too...and hungry...
• #370
My ghost has written this. I no longer exist. I already feel rougher than a badgers arse.
This really is going to have to be a maybe.
• #371
A day spent drinking coffee will sort out that badger problem one suspects.
• #372
I'm out, I've got the bubble-guts bad!
• #373
Surprised people have left it this late to start flouncing ;)
• #374
I'll be there, physically at least. Stuffed full of painkillers so I may make little sense.
• #375
Who are you going to ride with hats?!
I've had two texts from people running late so don't rush people.
I realise this is probably exactly why the route hasn't been released on the thread, but Brunswick House? Really? Of all the venues in London? I know it's a convenient halfway house between Soho and Brixton, but we can do better than that – not least because it will take them 3 hours to serve us all...