• #52
Oh you cynlical lot! I'm actually quite excited by this event. Riding on closed roads with cheering crowds will be fantastic. I hope it becomes a great British day of sport in the calendar to rank with the London Marathon, Wimbledon, Test match at Lords and the FA Cup Final. I'll give it a whirl, if I get a place...
• #53
I've signed up because it's free to ask for a place but come next year we'll see if I'm feeling flush enough to pay to ride around LND...
• #54
I've signed up for the 100 with a friend, now to see if we get places.
• #55
Also signed up for the 100. I will have forgotten of course, what the event is all about, by the time of the ballot in early February.
• #56
It's a 27.7% chance of a place
• #57
Many of the charities involved have guaranteed places. I've signed up with the British Heart Foundation - you can sponsor me if you've got some moolah spare:
• #59
Looks like I've got a place in the 100 through the ballot. Anyone else?
• #60
nope. did they email you?
• #61
You can check via this link
Click pay now, log in and it'll say either confirmed or cancelled.
• #62
Failed but i've signed up for a charity place, Children with Cancer, if you have a look through the list of charities the links tell you if they're looking for spots to be filled.
• #63
Cancelled. Motherfuckers.
• #64
I am best man at my bloody brother's bloody wedding on 3rd august. bah
• #65
I got it, so 6 months to save up a road bike...
• #66
Just signed up for a spot with the Mental Health Foundation though, so expect pesting and bucket rattling from me.
• #67
Are all Charities doing the £500 minimum target?
• #68
Wow, I got a place. Hope to see more forumengers out on the day.
• #69
Are all Charities doing the £500 minimum target?
The two I considered (Mind and MHF) were £650 and £700 respectively.
• #70
I got a place.
6 months gives me enough time to get a spok and take the brakes off my bike.
• #71
The website is letting me pay - does this mean I have a place?!
• #72
• #73
Cool...I have a wedding of a best pal the day before, though seems churlish to avoid the only thing I've ever won, ever.
• #74
Got a place and route will pass my house (well the end of the road).
• #75
I got a place.
a little worried about the business relay proposal....sportives are dangerous enough without encouraging dangerous riding by timing a relay.