• #27
I look up to you BMMF
just sayin'
• #28
That's not hard Iain. I'm 5'5" and you look up to me too ;)
• #29
That's because Iain is usually on the floor from having fallen off his bike
• #30
Don't mind me. I'm just eliciting further debate / consideration.
I did try jumping a dubious red on the way home though. Felt like a total dick, obviously.
• #31
^ Of course, I should know your game by now :)
• #32
Good cyclists are well appreciated, by me at least! I met one today and I stalked him for a mile or so. It was nice!
But I saw much worse today, worse than all the bad cyclists I encountered this week put together: a crazy guy on roller blades in Trafalgar Square waving a golf umbrella and going all over the place. I cried when he started to go down Whitehall before me but thankfully he decided to throw himself into an incoming motorcyclist (I will never forget his face) before disappearing between buses.
• #33
Have you considered cycle training, BMMF?
• #34
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm regularly acknowledged by cabbies, bus drivers, lorry drivers and even WVM for not riding like an impatient, unpredictable twat. It's nice. I definitely prefer it to making people angry.
True dat.
• #35
Lead by example
• #36
I go off into my own little world when I commute, I prefer that world not to be full of hate and anger so I am careful and try to ride well. However, I also like to ride fast and this can lead to accidental dick moves sometimes.
• #37
Clipless seems to have made me a more twatish cyclist, as I seek to avoid stopping at all costs. Clipping out is fine, but clipping back in with all the style of newly-born fawn as I wobble slowly away in front of a line of impatient motorists means I have lapsed occaisionally and RLJed. Quite honestly, if a motorist has been behind me before when I have obeyed the law and watched me attempt to clip in he's probably relieved when I run the light.
However the shame is difficult to bear and can only be assuaged by a slow administration of a chilli enema (Scotch Bonnet if I've been really bad) while watching re-plays of Chelsea's European Cup win.
• #38
if you can't even clip in I think trackstanding may be too lofty a goal to aim for :P
• #39
Fuck trackstanding. Practise clipping in.
• #40
Great thread BMMF. It's a no from me.
• #41
I do I do! I cycle up and down my road outside house doing it. Thought I had got it down but then I get distracted and it all goes out my head and my left foot starts flailing about like a twat.
In my defence it's been about a week since throwing away the clips and straps
Not that I threw them away. They are in the shed
• #42
What pedals have you chosen?
• #43
and are you selling the old ones?
• #44
even when you get the hang of it there'll always be that odd occassion where you pull up to the lights well ahead of the pack you left for dead at the last set. sitting there like a boss with your bumcheek resting on your toptube, the lights will change and in one swift motion you push your lead pedal foot down, letting the crank lift you up onto the saddle as they turn, then you go to put your other foot on the pedal and push forcefully down so you can clip in and power away into the distance like the boss you are.
only your cleat slips off the pedal and you end up whacking your bollocks on the saddle and end up struggling to maintain a line while you cycle one legged trying not to puke up a nut and desperately try to clip in under the watchful stares of your peers as they all think "what a pillock"
• #45
fuck trackstanding. Practise clipping in.
• #46
I tend to pedal off initially with the tread of my non-clipped in shoe, then slip it in after a couple of rotations. Unless it's become competitive obvs.
• #47
I missed my clip-in twice on my commute today, but just relaxed, got enough grip to move away and clipped in on the next rotation.
• #48
I haven't yet whacked a bollock on the top tube, guess I have something to look forward. Pulling away is definitely an exercise in humiliation, although those moments are becoming more rare.
And cheap Exustars to get used to it.
• #49
Spotted: Me pulling some dick moves on City Road yesterday. I felt like a total tool afterwords, stick to competent cycling, leaves a much better taste in the mouth.
• #50
'become' ?
also started driving sloppily, to even things out. I hate bloody cyclists
It doesn't guarantee it but it surely helps.
Don't give up BMMF - how would joining in with the bad aid the cause of the good? Cyclists get rightly wound up by motorists who don't show them consideration, respect and patience, why shouldn't we show the same towards our fellow two-wheelers? Obviously I'm not talking about people making d*ck moves or putting themselves and others in danger. That is never OK.
Lead by example I say!