• #152
no way ..... he wasn't mates with tom ato the japanese student doing archeology was he ?
• #153
Ah yes, and an ex-flatmate of a friend of mine was called Stuart Pitt.
• #154
Anyone seen any jack bobsons? Sposed to be good bikes
• #155
Phil & Gary Neville's Dad is called Neville
• #156
My mate's dad is called Dick Bush.
• #157
And my better half went to a reunion, and met a lad she was at primary school with called Lee King. Turns out he became a plumber.
• #158
I once dealt with a client named Dick Long. He was a complete arse.
• #160
Never forget a saffa customer called Virginia kuenter.
• #161
Phil & Gary Neville's Dad is called Neville
Yeah, so what's his first name?
• #162
Yeah, so what's his first name?
Neville, morning Herr Schick
• #163
You don't say. :)
• #164
Football manager Martin Jol's brothers are called Richard and Cornelius, commonly shortened to Dick and Cok. Said in an American accent, this is funny. To me at least...
• #165
My son is called Moses - he was going to be called Noah but when he was born he was 9 pound 13 and had a lot of hair, so we decided to change his name.
Most of his friends call him Mo, he seems to like this, and so do they.
• #166
i have a mate named Phillip Richard Bush, or Phil Dick Bush as he oft calls himself
• #167
Oh, alsogot a phone call yesterday from a Vijay Nar.
• #168
Ophelia and Wellard Dick (siblings) used to live in High Wycombe.
• #169
I got an email from Rimbun Turnip yesterday
• #170
My Mrs has just helped deliver a baby to a chinese lady call Kich In, and she is married to Mr Cynk.
• #171
@ Dicki:
• #172
From a recent trip to the US. Where local erections in Pahrump are taking place.
Judge Km pls!http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8450/8047010409_7b69fead5f_h.jpg
• #173
• #174
my mate at Oxford knew someone called Hugh Cumber...