• #1552
^I'm sure the owner of this forum could find out what you thought you deleted. No hiding on the interwebs
• #1553
• #1554
That sort of comment will get you banned!
• #1555
I doubt it.
I recommend encryption precisely because it protects user data from sysadmins, let alone lay users of a system or third parties. When done properly, no-one except the users who own the data and those that they delegate access to can see anything.
• #1556
Jryy, vs lbh xabj jung lbh'er qbvat, fvzcyr rapelcgvba gb fgbc gur ynml vf rnfl. Vg qbrfa'g cebgrpg zhpu, ohg vg qbrf qb rabhtu gb fgbc gur ynml. Vagrerfgvatyl, arvgure gur Ovat be Tbbtyr genafyngr gbbyf ebgngrf vg. Abg fher jung gb znxr bs gung, nal vqrnf ba jung vg qbrf sbe jrofcvqref?
• #1557
Canestan or any other jock-itch cream should help until you get to your VD clinic for a course of antibiotics.
• #1558
Many thanks, just what I needed to know.
• #1559
over the weekend discovered that a lost iPhone had been discovered, then noticed a notification that somebody had logged into iCloud; so the lost iPhone no longer appears in FindMyiPhone,
- which surprised me, as unless somebody had hacked into my iPhone to find out my iCloud password, or guessed my fingerprint / combo-code.. quite unsure how they managed to recover the lost iPhone,
(though happy that they did!)
- which surprised me, as unless somebody had hacked into my iPhone to find out my iCloud password, or guessed my fingerprint / combo-code.. quite unsure how they managed to recover the lost iPhone,
• #1560
Virgin Media starts turning customer routers into public Wi-Fi hotspots.
https://arstechnica.co.uk/business/2017/04/virgin-media-wifi-public-hotspots/ -
• #1561
I'm actually astonished that an ISP would do that.
• #1562
It's an interesting idea...but very weird / creepy at the same time
• #1563
You can opt out in the "My Profile" section on their site. Needless to say, I've already done that.
• #1564
BT have been doing this for years anyway.
• #1565
That's what BT have been doing for ages, no? Same as FON?
I should still have FON access actually, assuming they're live?
• #1566
So they have. I didn't know that.
• #1567
Flying to the US on Tuesday, I don't want to go.
• #1568
My Superhub isn't wifi though, I just use it to take cable to my Asus router so I'm unlikely to be effected.
• #1569
Yeah, all this shit happened after I booked TABR. Not thrilled. Please let us know how you get on?
• #1570
In some ways it's a decent idea, given the speeds that Virgin can offer there is probably spare capacity in terms of bandwidth and if they set the hub up so that the guest wi-fi uses a different channel that should eliminate a lot of the conflict (except that all Virgin customers are going to double the number of wi-fi networks).
On the other hands, the hubs are pretty shit and the wi-fi signal not great. Someone would have to be stood right outside your house to use it.
Obviously I've opted out.
I did wonder whether having your hub in modem mode would stop it but there's no reason why it would if it's an entirely separate network.
• #1571
My modem is in modem mode only, but I've also gone and opted out.
• #1572
You would hope that as an end-user you'd have control over whether or not wi-fi is enabled.
I will also switch my Superhub to modem only, then simply rely on my other Asus router (which has the benefit of running infinitely better firmware compared to the awful version that runs on the Virgin device).
• #1573
Parrot exploit
• #1574
One thing I noticed in the coverage of the attack in Paris was that the BBC reported that security services had known of the gunman, who had talked about his desire to kill police officers on the Telegram messaging service.
That was very soon after it happened, not sure how the information was obtained.
• #1575
PIA has suddenly stopped connecting on my phone. Still works on the desktop though...
Any ideas?
I've tried a janitor fix and still nothing.