• #27
vapour trails are dangerous?!?!!?
• #28
water fluoridation, heard of it?
• #29
The 'water' in the trails might contain fluoride.
wait, lots of planes fly over america and their teeth are really white...
• #30
Bastards. I knew it.
• #31
wait, lots of planes fly over america and their teeth are really white...
Flouride doesn't whiten teeth, you are thinking of bleach, that makes teeth white therefore they must put bleach in their sweets. If you think about it with an open mind there is plenty of evidence just none that can be "scientifically" proven
• #32
If the evidence is out there, present it. Citation needed.
Fluoride hardens tooth enamel. The health of the nations teeth has improved since the fluoridation of tap water. If you don't like it, process your supply.
• #33
Flouride doesn't whiten teeth, you are thinking of bleach, that makes teeth white therefore they must put bleach in their sweets. If you think about it with an open mind there is plenty of evidence just none that can be "scientifically" proven
FFS please re-write that, or give me back the minute spent trying to make sense of your brain fart.
• #34
If you think about it with an open mind there is plenty of evidence just none that can be "scientifically" proven
• #35
vapour trails are dangerous?!?!!?
• #36
Anecdote does not equal evidence.
Writing "science" with the quotes makes you seem like a closed-minded ignorant twat.
I'll believe anything if you can show me a proper grown up theory built on accepted axioms and supported by real properly-gathered unbiassed evidence.
• #37
The 'water' in the trails might contain fluoride.
It is also from Majorca, It doesn't taste pwopa.
• #38
Typical lizard response.
• #39
Is it Friday already?!
Love friday popcorn
• #40
Are caramel slices listening to my thoughts? Discuss.
• #41
I've never seen a lizard successfully use a keyboard.
You've run out of logical arguments and can't present any proper evidence so you've resorted to ad hominem attacks.
How cute.
• #42
I've never seen a lizard successfully use a keyboard.
Look he's typing a dissertation on ants and why they are so tasty. its science bitch, you can't explain that
• #43
Is the success of that lizard's typing documented? I can't see that the buttons are being sucessfully pressed. Stop lying to us about lizards!
• #44
Are caramel slices listening to my thoughts? Discuss.
Do carry on...
• #45
ha i love a good novelty account...
....wait so do the lizard people
• #46
Is the success of that lizard's typing documented? I can't see that the buttons are being sucessfully pressed. Stop lying to us about lizards!
he's just reviewing it, a touch screen is better suited to his needs
• #47
I could construct a better argument but it's waste my time .
Too late
• #49
• #50
Ok, so what is this this Kody bollucks? I admit I fell for it, I even started a thread getting the word out. But now I have realised; how could I be so naive?
I don't know about any of you guys, but I am fully aware of whats going on in the world, I keep my mind wide open to everything. I dont consider myself a wacky conspiracy theorist, I look at both sides- study evidence for and against etc etc.
Now this Kody 2012 stuff has crossed the line for me, think about it, there are a group of people at some office somewhere wearing expensive suits talking about money and business, they are just regular people (or reptiles, but irrelevant) but because they exist in this 'elite' bloodline, they have power, and lots of it. They can therefore create a 'fake' problem, such as Kody, it is a very gripping and heartwarming film, even I felt like I had to do my bit, and maybe help out (Mind control at its finest). Then all of us little mortals believe it, this problem that has been created, then there is a reaction, suddenly armed American troops in Uganda is justified. But only 100, what of it eh? Then again, I have seen this before, wasnt it some American that sold some Afghan some weapon ingredients? But since then, the same pattern continues, and all these invaded countries have one thing in common; OIL OIL OIL.
Think about climbing a hill, with 80 gear inches its pretty tough, you really notice the impact on your muscles and your breathing; yet climb it very slowly with 20 gear inches, the difference is clear. That is what is happening to us, we are wiping out one defenseless country at a time, and none of us are thinking twice.
And the key statement is thinking twice, I don't want to sit here and write any more of an essay than this will turn out to be, I just want you to listen and maybe think twice about what you instantly believe on the news for example.
The evidence is clear, maybe not to as what exactly is going on, but the fact that something is going on that we don't know about.
Next time you bring a 2 litre bottle to work because someone on TV said you have to drink 2 litres of water a day, think about the fluoridation of tap water that you weren't told about, 8oz (half a glass) has the same amount of fluoride as a pea sized amount of toothpaste, this amount is considered minorly toxic.
Look in the sky, plane exhaust, just like car exhaust disappears quite quickly, then why are there so many lines (or 'chemtrails') in the sky? This never used to be so. They contain a carcinogenic, bee killing, weather changing chemical, named aluminium oxide- how it works, don't ask me! Hell, it might not even work, but I keep my mind open, and see the evidence suggesting why it isn't disappearing.I dont want to rant any more, so i'm gunna leave it to you to question me/debate this as much as you want, friendly or not, my purpose is to open your minds to the world, and maybe question everything that we are told, think deeper into likelihoods, and maybe do a bit of your own research.
The 'water' in the trails might contain fluoride.