• #227
ooh eer
• #228
Easy tiger. At least wait until I've had one drink.
• #229
I'll buy you 3.
• #230
Oofft. Sod the team then, I'm all yours
• #231
1 more!
• #232
OK Manchester, can you please confirm and email names of your 6 players by tomorrow noon. Otherwise we will have to go ahead with 8 teams. Sorry but we'd like to confirm and print the schedule etc.
• #233
More teams is better, can't we just rotate a sub for them if it comes to it?
• #234
I can email you 5 now, anyone else up for defecting?
• #235
This scheduling removes the whole point of a bench tournament?
The games are so short that there is probably an advantage in sending a team of 3.
Without longer games, I imagine many people will lose the desire to spend the whole weekend in a warehouse with hours of waiting inbetween.
• #236
Agree James. 20 min games don't cut it for me. I hoped for double that. Players won't get much court time...
• #237
We have taken your comments into consideration and are looking at modifying the format to swiss and longer games. We will confirm this late tonight/tomorrow morning. Still there are 60+ players, one court and a set amount of hours of play. We are slightly ahead of Bristol in this sense so be prepared for a similar play to sitting about ratio. Whatever the case it will be a good weekend of Polo.
Also it looks as if Manchester have sorted a team. Thank you to the defectors for keeping uk Polo together.
• #238
here, here
• #239
hear, hear?
• #240
So, if you want LHBPA products brought, please let me know by tomorrow,and pay for them on http://www.lhbpa.org/shop
Manchester: 2 poles
Tabitha: 14 poles
Jo: 1 pole -
• #241
Friday - Open warehouse for players who want to come down early. We will open the court from 6pm on the 30th March and you are free to play polo inside. If you get here earlier, and the weather is OK, we can direct you to our regular outdoor court (not the court used in previous tournaments), which is a 5 minute cycle ride away.Friday night - Beers.
Saturday - We plan to start the games at 10am. We envisage finishing at around 8pm. There will be a few 'dust down' sessions where we will quickly sweep the court with dry mops to remove surface dust. Due to the type of format and the bench minor, we won't be having any breaks for lunch/tea. We want all teams to be at the court for the 9:30am registration.
Saturdaynight- party to be*confirmed..
Sunday - Re-start the round robins at 10am, final four play*off's*from 6pm.
Sunday close - We will lock up the warehouse at around 10pm.
• #242
We alright for warehouse sleeping on Friday night?
• #243
Yes, you can stay Friday night in the warehouse. I have PMed you my number so call when you are near.
• #244
regarding the party on saturday night there is an event on at the junction. drum and bass night. 10-6.
• #245
The Restarts are playing at the man in the moon
#drumbassandguitars -
• #246
So what's this rumour about only 1 team from London coming now? Any news ?
• #247
Friday - Open warehouse for players who want to come down early. We will open the court from 6pm on the 30th March and you are free to play polo inside. If you get here earlier, and the weather is OK, we can direct you to our regular outdoor court (not the court used in previous tournaments), which is a 5 minute cycle ride away.Friday night - Beers.
Saturday - We plan to start the games at 10am. We envisage finishing at around 8pm. There will be a few 'dust down' sessions where we will quickly sweep the court with dry mops to remove surface dust. Due to the type of format and the bench minor, we won't be having any breaks for lunch/tea. We want all teams to be at the court for the 9:30am registration.
Saturdaynight- party to be*confirmed..
Sunday - Re-start the round robins at 10am, final four play*off's*from 6pm.
Sunday close - We will lock up the warehouse at around 10pm.
We are looking into changing to 35 min games and 5 swiss rounds. Unfortunately with 9 teams there will be a bye. (5 teams will have to sit out 1 round max each based on results). But we will see better matches and longer games! We will discuss it tonight and announce any changes via this thread and a mass email. The start and end times will not change. Any reasonable comments appreciated.
• #248
@ Harvey
Working on it.
• #249
Any reasonable comments appreciated.
I'm only coming down for one day, and don't expect to be troubling for a high classification, but if there was any way of extending really close games, and shortening really imbalanced ones, that would rule.
When I look at the teams, I see roughly half of them in the race for the win, and half of them looking not to be last and gain experience in the process. 35 minutes of the strongest team v the worst team could get pretty tiresome.
Would splitting into two round-robin groups work? With the top team in the bottom group going through to the knockout?
• #250
6pm start for round-robins on Sunday!!??
I'd be happy to play with you Rob, just have to see what the rest of the team think about it.