• #27
cool, it's a shimano one, has a slight crunch to it but I was gonna pull it apart and have a poke around inside anyway, so I'll do that, clean it up and regrease and it should be fine. £10 if it still works after the poking?
• #28
sho thang
• #29
i'll bring it thursday
• #30
you won't get yer money then so you can hang on to it if you want?
Of course, you know where I live. Innit.
• #31
I'll bring it anyway, pay another day
• #32
Back wheel's fucked. Now the decision between Rob or a shop.
• #33
Me! me!
• #34
what's up with it now?
• #35
Wobbly! I blame other people and not me.
If it was me it would be the front all borked.
• #36
how wobbly?
• #37
Not too bad now I've stood on it and faffed around a bit.
Still goes side to side a bit.
• #38
do you only buy rims made of foil? If you want I'll cytech it's face off.
• #39
Hand crafted with the remains of chocolate orange wrappers.
It would be nice if you could cytech it for cash money.
• #40
I can have a go, if I'm truing out a knackeredish rim then it won't be perfect or as strong as a new one but I'm sure I can get it straight.
• #41
It will probably be fine again when done, I didn't drop the bike this time. Really I don't even recall how this could have happened.
One day I will get a stand for wheel fixings
• #42
I could probably pick it up off you tomorrow
• #43
Cool beans. I can make you tea for traveling, CHAMOMILE!
• #44
It's a Mavic 221, so it should have needed a decent beating to go as pringley as it did.
• #45
Rounded off one of the bolts attaching my front brake, help?
• #46
new bolt
• #47
I wasn't clear. The old brake's bolt is rounded and won't come off.
• #48
Ste's hooking me up with mole grip usage tonight.
• #49
Coolio, sometimes if you wrap a layer or 2 of plastic bag over the top of your allen key it'll give you a little tighter fit, hardly ever works though
• #50
I will try it after eating a cold pizza.
call it 17.38 and I'll have it.