• #427
Also, just heading off to Le Reej with a few/couple of southies for a sneaky mulled Guinness if anyone wants to pop down
• #428
did you put a table spoon of HTFU in your Lemsip? :P
• #429
1) bodieanddoyle
2) stonehedge
3) poots
4) INata
5) Eamesy
6) Xander
7) Lazysuperhero
8) Lolabelle
9) markypoos
10) Sally
11) Skully
EI) almac68*
14) avellana
15) ashleyisdabest
16) OLC
17) dimi2012
18) svencho
19) Butters
20) Jizzy Knickers
21) braker
22) zoom
23) DJ
24) MissMouse
25) dogpantslining the stomach - hope I don't have to meet these sausages again...
• #430
The contents of sausages is rarely meat. Generally lips and arseholes.
• #431
I'm out... curry and cigar night happening with a ton of old mates in Kingstons famous Kingston.
Have fun - hope the rain holds off for you people!Fail the size of Jupiter. Why on earth would anyone want to partake in a cigar after they'd eaten a curry?
Poor misguided fools.
• #432
Your arms already look like walnuts stuffed into a condom.
Well, it's the only thing I'm getting stuffed in a condom...
• #433
1) bodieanddoyle
2) stonehedge
3) poots
4) INata
5) Eamesy
6) Xander
7) Lazysuperhero
8) Lolabelle
9) markypoos
10) Sally
11) Skully
EI) almac68*
14) avellana
15) ashleyisdabest
16) OLC
17) dimi2012
18) svencho
19) Butters
20) Jizzy Knickers
21) braker
22) zoom
23) DJ
24) MissMouse
25) dogpants
96) notgettingany chainbreaker -
• #434
The contents of sausages is rarely meat. Generally lips and arseholes.
Xander got sausage then?!?
• #435
So I sneak off to help my mate buy a bike, and I get booked in for a local meal and what not tonight. Meh.
Happy new year forum lovelies. Have a great ride, see you on the other side.
• #436
In at 7 wahoo! Just drove back from up north i!ecord time to make this. Dominos demolished bring the madness!
• #437
^nice one!
• #438
Get in Matty!!!
• #439
In for this if new faces are cool!?
Any thing i should be aware of having never riden with LFGSS folk before? Bar the usual, pump, tubes, lube.
• #440
Nope, relax, it'll be fine.
• #441
I'm new to this too but I get the impression maybe a spare liver might come in handy..
• #442
Where exactly is B on the route?
It looks like it's just a mile or two from my flat, so I may meet you lot there. What time do you reckon you'll be getting there?
• #443
B is the coach and horses, Acre Lane
• #444
I'm new to this too but I get the impression maybe a spare liver might come in handy..
I'm selling mine for 50 dorrah, you can pick it up on the ride. Look for a guy with walnuts in a condom.
• #445
Give us a shout when you are at the Approach (Point D). I'll come and say Hi.
Take a look at the Street View for the Black Friar (Point A). The blue directions line goes into the sky.
• #446
I think I'm drunk:-(
• #447
Is it customary to bring beer for the ride? Might fit my bottle holder!
• #448
Yes! Bring any drinks of choice. My bag has a bottle of champers a bottle of whiskey and a few jars of beer in it. I shall also be drinking pints at the pub stops...
• #449
I just built a biek - ready to roll. Will see you foolz at the Roebuck though.
eta 9pm you reckon?
• #450
i think this is the first GSIANYE so there are no customs skinny but i reckon you'll be glad of any drink you bring along
Oi you. None of it. Shouldn't you be indoors wrapped up warm? or did you put a table spoon of HTFU in your Lemsip? :P