• #27
Tsk tsk - that's Barnet for you.
It was actually in Kentish Town but that's irrelevant really, I see it all the time and it fucks me off no end
• #28
The IPCC are useless- I almost got knocked off by a police van, I filled out the form and sent it in, then got a phonecall.
- Is that Mr Dammit?
- Yep
- It's Sergeant Pepper, I have your complaint here, but I am afraid that the registration plate you gave is for a Royal protection vehicle
- Erm, so?
- Well, there's nothing further we can do I'm afraid, it was clearly not that van
- I'm sorry?
- You cannot have got the reg right
- But that reg does belong to a police van?
- Oh yes, but it was Royal Protection, so it cannot have been them
- Is that Mr Dammit?
• #29
I saw someone on the phone and smoking whilst taking their kids to school on my commute this morning. I was so disgusted, I wrote a letter to my M.P. The first time I have ever been moved to take action, asking why it is legal to smoke with children in the car. You may as well just hand them a pack of cigarettes you in-bred cunts
They probably do
• #30
I was recently nearly taken off my bike by a lady driving while texting. I rode up to her open window and said "I hope that text is really important; more important than my life." Ever the lady, she responded "Fuck off" and proceeded to make a call.
• #31
The IPCC are useless- I almost got knocked off by a police van, I filled out the form and sent it in, then got a phonecall.
- Is that Mr Dammit?
- Yep
- It's Sergeant Pepper, I have your complaint here, but I am afraid that the registration plate you gave is for a Royal protection vehicle
- Erm, so?
- Well, there's nothing further we can do I'm afraid, it was clearly not that van
- I'm sorry?
- You cannot have got the reg right
- But that reg does belong to a police van?
- Oh yes, but it was Royal Protection, so it cannot have been them
- Is that Mr Dammit?
• #32
^^ that was me
• #33
Fucking useless, them Babylon.
Where's the vigilantes at?
• #34
if you think that bad, everyone text and drive in the states, mainly holding their iphone with the speakerphone on while steering the cages.
• #35
I saw someone on the phone and smoking whilst taking their kids to school on my commute this morning. I was so disgusted, I wrote a letter to my M.P. The first time I have ever been moved to take action, asking why it is legal to smoke with children in the car. You may as well just hand them a pack of cigarettes you in-bred cunts
I'd like to drive around town in a battered transit van with huge lumps of rusted metal hanging off, smoking whilst on the phone and shaving with half a dozen kids loose in the back, ipad on lap no seat belt getting dressed drinking a latte with a massive sense of self importance and urgency.. all over the road putting lumocking great scratches and dents in all the impatient twats cars
as for the smoking... you wait till you get the kids into be Mike... tenner says you will murder for a proper smoke ;)
• #36
Contact the CTC with all the details and see if they would be interested in taking it on.
Threatening you with being nicked? I bet if you had said OK then if that's how it is, they would have changed their tune Clear case of 'Couldn't be arsed' on the Old Bill front
• #37
Their word against yours, the police don't really have alot to go on in these cases.
• #38
Police are just scumbags in uniform. You're mistake for even bothering to talk to them. Lesson learnt.
• #39
I'd like to drive around town in a battered transit van with huge lumps of rusted metal hanging off, smoking whilst on the phone and shaving with half a dozen kids loose in the back, ipad on lap no seat belt getting dressed drinking a latte with a massive sense of self importance and urgency.. all over the road putting lumocking great scratches and dents in all the impatient twats cars
as for the smoking... you wait till you get the kids into be Mike... tenner says you will murder for a proper smoke ;)
I like nothing more than a proper smoke, don't get me wrong. But in the car with kids in the back?
• #40
Er maybe you wanna check out the couriers V taxi driver on shoreditch high st. posted by Oliver.
I don't think that that case bears much resemblance to vunugu's case, but here's the link:
They'll only suggest it's a case of cyclists ganging up to help one another- not that I'm suggesting to let it go.
You really can't make such a sweeping assumption, much as I realise it may be borne out of frustration. (For the record, if you're partly referring to that case, 'those cyclists all rally together' was said once in the witness testimony, by the cab driver involved, and wasn't a particularly important part of the testimony.)
I don't know very much about the law, but I know that it's impossible to bring every case of violence/assault/verbal abuse before the courts. Ideally, of course we want to reduce such behaviour at source rather than controlling it by legislation and enforcement, but the reality offers no easy solutions. There are cases like the one linked to above which should never have come to court and a lot of shocking behaviour goes unpunished.
• #41
I like nothing more than a proper smoke, don't get me wrong. But in the car with kids in the back?
window open and keep the tin of Stella between your legs so you don't spill it.. job done!
• #42
I don't think that that case bears much resemblance to vunugu's case, but here's the link:
You really can't make such a sweeping assumption, much as I realise it may be borne out of frustration. (For the record, if you're partly referring to that case, 'those cyclists all rally together' was said once in the witness testimony, by the cab driver involved, and wasn't a particularly important part of the testimony.)
I don't know very much about the law, but I know that it's impossible to bring every case of violence/assault/verbal abuse before the courts. Ideally, of course we want to reduce such behaviour at source rather than controlling it by legislation and enforcement, but the reality offers no easy solutions. There are cases like the one linked to above which should never have come to court and a lot of shocking behaviour goes unpunished.
I've been dwelling on this, and really think it needs running past a solicitor. (started type in depth reasoning, stopped, needs running past someone who knows.)
• #43
Is this not the other way round? IIRC the couriers were workmates as it seems are the van occupants. The 3 cyclists have no connection. On the balance of probability I know which way I'd vote.
Also well done for getting involved to the OP!
I'm talking about the female independent witness.
• #44
You really can't make such a sweeping assumption, much as I realise it may be borne out of frustration. (For the record, if you're partly referring to that case, 'those cyclists all rally together' was said once in the witness testimony, by the cab driver involved, and wasn't a particularly important part of the testimony.)
I don't know very much about the law, but I know that it's impossible to bring every case of violence/assault/verbal abuse before the courts. Ideally, of course we want to reduce such behaviour at source rather than controlling it by legislation and enforcement, but the reality offers no easy solutions. There are cases like the one linked to above which should never have come to court and a lot of shocking behaviour goes unpunished.
Bollox! Cab drivers' word is taken as bond by the establishment; "They are the ears of the city"®
If they say it, it's what many are thinking. I've been on the receiving end from courts/police in the past so gullible is not me. -
• #45
I don't know very much about the law, but I know that it's impossible to bring every case of violence/assault/verbal abuse before the courts. Ideally, of course we want to reduce such behaviour at source rather than controlling it by legislation and enforcement, but the reality offers no easy solutions. There are cases like the one linked to above which should never have come to court and a lot of shocking behaviour goes unpunished.
Legal proceedings are used as a tool to shape society, smoking fines, asbos, PCNs etc why not have a few cases that go in the favour of cyclists so legislate changes in our favour making it easy to pass cases through court when they need to be.
Right now a cyclist can die as a result of dangerous driving and we are shocked it gets to court. seeing it go in the cyclists favour is just un-heard of.
You could get into a car and plough onto a pavement full of kids, taking a few cyclists on route and ending up in cluster of nuns holding soft little kittens, killing the lot. you would walk away without a license. a license you could get back after a few years.The scuffle above isn't worth taking on, live and learn, next time he wont confront the driver. What is the gain? i mean really?
gut instinct lets you know what you are dealing with and it's really only worth sounding off in a nice manner to those who would listen.I ignore black cabs, pricks in blue stickred/addison lee numbers, boy racers, white van drivers, hire vans, pizza delivery mopeds, signs, lights, peds, jews, discount furniture stores, tight jeans, sick animals and day old pizza. waste of time.
• #46
day old pizza?!!
no way! breakfast of gods. or demi-gods, or something. -
• #47
only if it has spicy meat still on the top, which it shouldn't if you have done it right!
Even if you can't finish the pizza you pick off the good bits in your pissed state before you put the lid down and drag your ass to bed, you can't put it in the fridge it just goes wrong. if you are going to eat it, room temp is best.. room temp for a good 8 hours wont hurt it provided the cardboard lid is down. scientific fact. it's like ageing wine or meat.
but the problem still remains you have removed the meaty bits the night before.. i guess if you could fry up bacon and slap a few rashers on top day old pizza, still in box left out over night would hit the spot on a monday morning.. but breakfast of the gods is porridge topped with single cream, dark spiced rum and dark brown sugar and dark spiced rum -
• #48
Get out your D-Lock and clock them one. reasonable force and all that...
always with my dlock on me.
• #49
Cop also says that if it had gone any further they'd have had to nick me as part of the investigation. The other cyclist later tells me that the cops said that if it went any further they'd have had to nick him also as part of the investigation.
This is, for the record, horseshit. They're under no obligation whatever to nick anyone, as their actions make very clear. Collar numbers, formal complaint. I have fairly limited faith in the complaints mechanisms, but the one response that absolutely guarantees that this nonsense will continue is not to give them a chance to work.
Devil's advocate... cops arrive and see two parties (red transit men and cyclists) making allegation and counter-allegation of assault. You know the red transit men are lying, but the cops don't know that.
In order to investigate all the allegations properly and fairly they do have to arrest everyone who is subject to an allegation - ie both cyclists and red transit men. This would be to ensure that neither party can get together and cook up a story.
• #50
Le sigh. Let's face it, the police don't ever do anything at all do they. I mean no arrests are ever made of rapists, burglars, muggers, murderers, drug dealers, etc, etc. There's nobody at all in prison. And the police spend their entire day eating doughnuts and kebabs. I believe this has been proven as 'tru fax bruv' by the internetz and other reliable sources.
To the OP, what happened is horrible and thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. I'm hoping that the blokes in the pick-up shat themselves but without concrete evidence and just she said but he said there isn't a great deal that can be done. Helmet cam with evidence of the assault would have been superb and I'm sure with such strong evidence the police would have pursued it like a dog with a bone but without it's just hearsay. Sorry but true.
well done for getting involved.
you could write to your mp / the police complaints people.