• #8352
they track satellites with the 'dorky' bits we take off our bikes.
mind blown -
• #8353
Modern air quality is "too clean", says Trump's new science guy.
http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/358640-epa-names-industry-state-officials-to-advisory-boards -
• #8354
That's obvious now that I think about it, thanks for clarifying.
• #8355
Is that a python in your pocket...or are you happy to see me?
• #8356
Yes, all bikes do when used at night. I was just pointing out that it's specifically pointless for recumbents.
Surely that's just because they're classified as bikes, rather than there being a specific recumbent-reflector regulation?
And recumbent riders are too, ahem, laid-back to have sought an exemption.
• #8357
Apparently some guys are fucking in the wilderness in front of lions. Now that takes some balls.
1 Attachment
• #8358
Apparently some gays are fucking in the wilderness in front of lions. Now that takes some balls.
• #8359
Lightweight bike made even lighter!
• #8360
He’s selling another one with a missing seatstay and says you could combine the two to make a working frame...
I reckon warranty replace cracked frames that have been cut to avoid eaxactly this, being sold on by someone and ridden
• #8361
"without lower attachment"
WTF indeed! -
• #8362
Has he got some of this for sale too?
1 Attachment
• #8363
“She would only feed the animals if they brought home valuables, so the animals had to steal every day in order to survive. Most were voluntarily malnurished so they would easily gain the neighbors’ pity and be allowed inside their houses.”
• #8365
World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content.
• #8366
Oh, I'll jog over to epic fail then...
• #8367
the absurdity of it i guess. oap cat fagin arrested for hijinks.
• #8368
Homosexual Lions is a great band name.
• #8369
Pride gags, etc.
• #8370
Click and share bate
• #8371
Lion-baiting is a blood sport involving the baiting of lions
got cats in it see ?
• #8372
Or just been stolen?
• #8373
Or that yeah
• #8374
Black cabbies share veteran stories on Remembrance Sunday:
Lee @leedog666
I’ve just asked a 92 yr old war veteran have u used über guv 😆he
answered “fcuk off I’ve survived 2world wars I ain’t ready to go just
yet” 😂😂😂😂So he was born 8 years after WW1 ended
• #8375
Maybe he was referring to one of the many 'police actions' in the years between WWII and now.
Yes, all bikes do when used at night. I was just pointing out that it's specifically pointless for recumbents.
For upright bikes they make sense and work because the pedal has a roughly horizontal orientation throughout the pedal stroke (it doesn't need to be exactly horizontal to reflect light back, see the pics at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroreflector ) so lights shining at them from somewhere behind or in front will make them look bright.
For recumbents the pedal orientation is nearly vertical. From in front the angle to the pedal is tiny, so only a very small of light will be reflected back (if any). From behind they're utterly useless, not only from the oblique angle, but the pedal is obscured by the rider's legs (or the bike/fairing).