• #179
And now it's dinner time...
• #180
But lastly thanks to Fluff for the loan of her Awesome Bionic Woman hinged brace...
• #181
Nice wire & pin.
You want me to drop that cuff & collar off to Bow in the am?
• #182
Work then Lucia Brittania tonight (but not competing)...
• #183
Neat work, digger.
I thought of you last night when I was riding home through Kennington. I pushed my right foot down to set off, and - BANG! - pedal and crank still attached to me but not to the bike.
Fortunately, I managed to stay upright and come to a safe stop at the kerb, but I was thinking about your injuries as it all happened.
• #184
That was cool of the surgeon to think of your tattoos like that, I was wondering if they were going to be affected.
• #185
Wrestling was seven shades of awesome, more work...
• #186
Digger, so sorry to hear of your woes but impressed by your ever cheery self.
• #187
had a bit of a wobble at the end of work today, my hand swelled up and went tingly, I went pale and it just didn't feel right, dropped in at minor treatment Kings and a Doc said "well it's all damaged and shit blood, what did you expect?"
So think I'll have a little rest this evening... -
• #188
Hey, Digger! Someone's fishing in your elbow.
• #189
I think a Victorian Chirgeon has mislaid his spectacles...
• #190
They've given you the infinity symbol in your elbow, not only is this cool it means you'll live forever, or at least your elbow will :)
• #191
I actually always worried that my elbow might outlive me, it's very competitive...
• #192
I've heard that a certain Hollywood studio wants to buy rights to your elbow.
• #193
just caught up with this, hope you heal fast buddy.x
• #194
Digs: re Clarion ... I'm surprised to discover it still exists.
They haven't really embraced the interminablenets have they? I like that though.
• #196
No Digging today...
• #197
I've only just seen this, Digger. As a fellow elbow-breaker (albeit a much less serious fracture than yours) I can only tell you that I was a lot less active after it happened than you are. All the best for further recovery!
• #198
Let me get this right, the diagnosis stated it is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Olecranon has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Comorbities, a group of freedom fighters led by Digger Bikebreaker have established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hurt. The evil lord Campag Crank, obsessed with finding young Bikebreaker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space....
Post of the thread.
• #199
Best wishes for you mate - healtfu.
• #200
^^^^ Wot he sed.