• #52
Pic of final.
• #53
Even the grass-trackers, which I imagine its got more in common with, seemed to be struggling.
I can honestly say Grass Track Handling Skills made no difference! The guys that were 'really' up there either had previous experience or were used to riding berms or skate bowl type stuff.
• #54
I stand corrected - though I guess you chaps are used to slidey-slidey stuff, and minidrome wasn't slidey.
Do you do taster sessions at grass track? It'd be good to find something else I'm no good at :)
• #55
^ :) +1
• #56
But still you wouldn't get the amount & quality of track time or support that Hoy gets, unless you could bankroll your own setup, so grounds to complain afterwards surely?
Naturally minidrome track time will help riders get a bit better. There must be alternatives out there already tho if folks really want to practice staying low & fast in tight corners. Off top of head has a bit in common with bmx park bowls maybe?
If redbull then spot the talent at the next event, they'll snap it up too no doubt.
surely if i got into it enough i could spend a couple of evenings a week at the velodrome, meaning in time i'd be fairly competent right?
• #57
A proper velodrome is not as bermy as a track this short.
• #58
"[QUOTE=rhb;2478714]But still you wouldn't get the amount & quality of track time or support that Hoy gets, unless you could bankroll your own setup, so grounds to complain afterwards surely?
Naturally minidrome track time will help riders get a bit better."
at riding mindromes yeah. try racing a k on a 250 track, its, er a bit different
• #59
Exactly. You wanna get good on velodrome, ride velodrome, or find similar and practice on that. Don't be surprised if a GB rider wins the nationals still tho.
You wanna get good on minidrome, find one to practice on, or find what is similar and practice on that. From watching I'd say some cycle speedway & bmx would help. Don't be surprised if a Redbull rider win the event still tho.
• #60
Who came 'best of the rest', so to speak?
i.e. someone who wasn't a Redbull sponsored rider or a track pro?
• #61
Red Bull video: [FONT=Arial]http://www.redbull.co.uk/cs/Satellite/en_UK/Video/Red-Bull-Mini-Drome-Video-Manchester-2011-021243113060604[/FONT] featuring my rather crap pedal-strike induced crash
• #62
But still you wouldn't get the amount & quality of track time or support that Hoy gets, unless you could bankroll your own setup, so grounds to complain afterwards surely?
Naturally minidrome track time will help riders get a bit better. There must be alternatives out there already tho if folks really want to practice staying low & fast in tight corners. Off top of head has a bit in common with bmx park bowls maybe?
If redbull then spot the talent at the next event, they'll snap it up too no doubt.