• #27
poots - sure, I'm off on Monday but happy to ride into town and drop off, or I'll be at SEs on Tuesday.
SE's on tuesday works for me. Ta! Lady face!
• #28
Cheers for the two jerseys. CCCP one is awesome. Not tried the other yet.
• #29
Cool, glad you like it.
Had a couple of PMs so just to save anyone else the bother - I can't post the wheels, sorry. I won't have time before I move and if I have to move with them I'll probably just keep them.
• #30
I just googled the typewriter to find a picture because I am too lazy to take a photo and apparently Nick Cave has the very same one. http://www.nickcaveandthebadseeds.com/photographs/typewriter
Anyway it's free if you can collect it from Stratford, ideally today.
• #31
very nice. I already have two underused typewriters though...
sorry for being incommunicado about the saddlebag - are you about on wednesday evening? -
• #32
no problem, it doesn't matter if that moves house with me, 's not like it weighs much. No hurry. Was thinking I might swing by easts for an early pint on the river on Wednesday then should be in Stratford by half 8ish, if either of them are any use. But like I said, no hurry.
dibs saddlebag if still available