• #27
better ask the parents? parents, dont you teach your kids anything anymore?
• #29
better ask the parents? parents, dont you teach your kids anything anymore?
There are children in my daughters class whose parents have never taken them swimming. Quite happy to pay for lessons, but wouldn't dream of getting wet themselves.
I despise these people.
• #30
I teach them fallibility.
• #31
Parents or children?
• #32
in my short time delivering cycle training never met parents, just staff at schools. experience in current post is that there are different reasons parents won't / haven't taught their kids to balance from not knowing how to do it, not being bothered with the effort, thru to waiting for grandpa to come and do it at sone point... surveying a cycling forums parents won't really give a representative result along these lines...
What about a theory that if parents can be involved in balancability sessions, this'd be great for them in terms of understanding and confidence to teach siblings in future years?
• #33
The mouseover text on the thread title stops at rather an unfortunate juncture:
"did this course a few weeks back, used a snippet of the syllabus this morning with some 4 and 5 yr olds to get them off"
/Not that kind of thread.
• #34
What about a theory that if parents can be involved in balancability sessions, this'd be great for them in terms of understanding and confidence to teach siblings in future years?
Good theory rhb.
There was a survey on the effectiveness of cycle training in 2 london boroughs a few years ago which showed that while the young people in yrs 5/6 felt willing and able to ride to school after training they were not riding to school coz parents wouldn't let them because they felt it too risky. The survey was repressed because the result suggested that the funding on training was wasted.We have been campaigning for years for the government to fund adult level 3 training to encourage parents to take up training and just before the last election the labour DfT had agreed to fund this. This promise wasn't honoured after the change of government. Shame.
• #35
its getting funnier
http://www.toddlebike.co.uk/ -
• #36
FoetusCycle: coming soon.
Why waste 9 valuable months? Great cyclists aren't made, they are born.
• #37
shagability? -
• #38
toddler thing looks bonkers. thinking of buying one tho, just to see like.
• #39
Once we've piloted this and trained our instructors we will probably add it to CPD menu. Really don't like it tho'
Don't parents teach anything to their kids any more?!