• #502
You're so contrary. It's tiring. SMS cash is a big success story, yes, it's done some wonderful things for Africa.
• #503
How to buy bitcoins in the UK:
• #504
^ wow its actually a serious article about Bitcoin in the british media!
*still the stupid stock photo of a 'bitcoin' at the top but apart from that really attempts to explain how someone might buy an bitcoin for real.Meanwhile in China.... the clouds mount
http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1404497/bitcoin-bubble-wont-last-without-beijings-approval -
• #505
Sparky - do you get themes that you are interested in (i.e. discuss on here) then pitch for your bosses?
• #507
Sparky - do you get themes that you are interested in (i.e. discuss on here) then pitch for your bosses?
Ask me how it works if you see me on a ride or in the pub and I'll explain. Essentially, I write what I want to within my subject (technology) and within reason.
• #508
^ wow its actually a serious article about Bitcoin in the british media!
*still the stupid stock photo of a 'bitcoin' at the top but apart from that really attempts to explain how someone might buy an bitcoin for real.Meanwhile in China.... the clouds mount
http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1404497/bitcoin-bubble-wont-last-without-beijings-approvalthat is our very own sparky if you hadn't realised
• #509
3 months above the $800 mark.
clearly a bubble....
Anyone actually laying it? -
• #511
Excellent stuff hippy. Cheers!
• #512
^^^ shorting bitcoin is super expensive, isn't it? I think that's a major factor supporting the current price.
• #513
Bitcoin not a currency but a voucher in the UK
www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2d894c9e-812f-11e3-95aa-00144feab7de.html?siteedition=uk#axzz2r3ApwenX^you could short it with a CFD which is super cheap and no tax
• #516
The Pembury has been taking bitcoins for a while as well: http://tech.co/the-pembury-tavern-in-london-now-accepting-bitcoin-2013-06
• #517
The Pembury has been taking bitcoins for a while as well: http://tech.co/the-pembury-tavern-in-london-now-accepting-bitcoin-2013-06
So you pay in bitcoin and get change in £?
• #518
I have no idea.
• #519
surely it works like a card rather than cash (i.e. you only ever give the amount owed exactly)
• #520
Nah you are paying for your next 120 pints in advance and they keep a tally
• #521
so like having a tab til the end of the night?
• #522
Diving! Glad I sold all mine over a week ago (at a tidy 100% markup too)
• #523
I guess that really depends what timescale you're looking at.
• #524
'tis true, I was being a bit dramatic
• #525
Managed to buy some at under 400 this morning.
Announcements that single retailers are jumping on the bitcoin bandwagon for free PR is not having a large impact on the price now.. its grown larger than that.
Hummmm africa is economic success story?