• #77
It's in the diary for my (sorta) first Saafs.
Now what's this I've been hearing about the burgers?
Well, I have heard excellent reports about the veggie version, as well as the meaty variety, but worth checking with someone who really knows the score.
However, if the burgers are under par, we will just have to have a couple of extra pints of Guinness to make up.
• #78
i just check with this guy....the one that flough from america to see the queen...whta his name the scary looking african-american the one with a white house.....oh yeahhhh TIGER WOODS, he said that the veggie burger in the souths, are only comparable with the Marylin Monroe making love with a bottle of "Bollinger Blanc de Noirs Vieilles Vignes Francaises" in a Reba Mcentire concert! and a peTIT dejauner! yeah those veggys are that good! since he is a black Irish fruitarian i belive him also when he went to Burger king, with the wiffe...scary tall women from CONAN THE BARBARIAN FILM....oh yeah! Oprah, see said that Whopper are not worth a velvet paint of a dolphin and a unicorn getting at it.
So i guest that veggiys are pretty awesome there! muff said. -
• #79
i was in green park trying to sofocate a grey squirrel, with one hand while i was building a 3 levels ham and goat cheese, with spinach and maple sirup sandwich with the other and saw that guy,,,and i say what u doing here...who are you...he said im.....im..tiger wood the presi of the US and A, just got out of a plane...
so i say ...aaa'itgh and carry on sofocating...didnt want to loose momentum!if you know what i mean! so suddenly this tiger woods guy make a pretty seamless transition in to the action, punch the squirrel with a his bare fists (he has tattoed in the rigth CHUCK and in the left NORRIS) and and bite my sandwich...so i did what any one here could have done i scream and my previously trained RATS, prepared and trained in the dark arts of ninjutsu, jump out from a bush and impale his left testicle with a clean shoot of their spearguns! its real! i did happend!
or i dream it!..i dont know....either way...ill love to have ninja rats with spearguns. -
• #80
i dont know why i just wrote that. it seamed rigth at the time.
• #81
YouTube - Rat vs. five Cats
my ninja-rat against samurai cats.
• #82
i dont know why i just wrote that. it seamed rigth at the time.
If it feels right, do it...with a few notable disclaimers, obviously!
• #83
i was in green park trying to sofocate a grey squirrel, with one hand.
oh yeah, is that the new slang for it? there are children in that park, you sick man
• #84
oh yeah, is that the new slang for it? there are children in that park, you sick man
"Bearfoot the squirrel molester."
Is there a register for that kind of thing?
Good move to get out of the country while you can, Billy.
• #85
is BIOSEXUAL pest control, you molest the pest till they feel abrupted and arrashed and decide to relocated to a neighbouring country like...france...let the french have them!
• #86
is BIOSEXUAL pest control, you molest the pest till they feel abrupted and arrashed and decide to relocated to a neighbouring country like...france...let the french have them!
If you do that in France, they promote you to head of the IMF, and ship you off to New York, so no one gets to hear about your previous mis-deeds.
Oh, wait.......
• #87
• #88
FRENCH CONECCTION....what i thougt it was...yeah you got it! two french geezers getting at it!
but i was told is more to do with who owns which craters of the moon...or sumthing like it! -
• #89
- Toe Wrestling World Championship[/ame]
this happend at Bernies garden not long ago! no kidding! is real its written! its the geneve convention! -
• #90
YouTube - Toe Wrestling World Championship
this happend at Bernies garden not long ago! no kidding! is real its written! its the geneve convention!And we have the photos to prove it. Betty, was it your skills again? You are pretty handy with a camera.
• #91
Guys! out i was planing to get there for last beer in uk! and give the last chance to all those forum mongers that actually hate me to give a good walloph! but...no chance! got to many "last moment" thinks to finished! effing right!
Ill miss you all tho! some more than other, but all of you crazy cyclistsssss!
Bernie ("dyonisus oh! mighty god of good wine" that should be you forum name), Janus(coffeine dealer), BETTY and JCGarcia (i hope i see you in poland, if you dont bring guinness cake then dont bother)pootsmanuva ride without you will have no sense from now on), Hillbilly and Missus i wish you all the happines in the world loads of small jimbillys! and Burgers!, digger(keep sharing wisdom between newbies), OLC(youll shit a chicken if you keep goingout with saaafff people), xander and your slapping bitch Fade( tape you might make some moneis), Shushigeezer(see you in poland Kolega), Caffewanda (ihope my light iluminate your darkness in this evil roads), mccarthy (ill call you some day when ill be rich so u can design me a car), And the scary skinny looking jews guy with glasses looking alike Millhouse from the simpsons that last monday was trying to impress a wannabe art-lesbian-dontknow-whatiawant-student that paint skinny manequins in a notebook! and dicks! keep trying youll get there eventually, and change your bike looks like a trailer run over a wheel chair and you decide to ride it, its just wrong!
TIPPS! see you in poland BRO!! think about it!! we will grow a BALL-FRO together i promise!
i might have forgot or leave some of you out of this list, no offense, the over use of rodenticides and excess of guinnes in this city has left with no more than 2 neurones! i have no short memory! but as the terminator said... ILL BE BACK!
to end this letter a bit of good music for all of you:
YouTube - Marty Robbins Sings 'Ghost Riders In The Sky.'
BERNIE! one more time thanks for everything, you are a truly friend and gentleman! ill miss you already! take care! but ill promise ill see you soon Hermano! -
• #92
damn, was planning to see you tonight. been great riding and drinking G with you Borja. honoured to make the list^. have a great time in Poland, keep riding, keep smiling. if you're on facebook PM me your full name. ciao/adios
• #93
Goodbye man, got your email. Will deffo come see you in Poland so we can Prendelo!
• #94
Beautiful! Rides will indeed be VERY different without the Bearfoot one sad face
• #95
Beautiful! Rides will indeed be VERY different without the Bearfoot one sad face
a woman have to do what a woman have todo! scream is good! i know you not faking it! juas juasjuas
• #96
Bearfoot. It was a real joy to have met you and I'll never look at chicken in the same way again. Actually I can't eat them too often now cos of your "shit a chicken" phrase - lol. Toe-kwondo has almost replaced Tae-kwondo in my mind too.
I will treasure the light you loaned me and will take it on it's first night ride next Friday :-).
• #97
Good luck Billy, and be sure to let us know if you are ever back in town.
We should consider a "Where's Bearfoot?" ride in Poland next year, to see if we can track you down.
• #98
Good luck Billy, and be sure to let us know if you are ever back in town.
We should consider a "Where's Bearfoot?" ride in Poland next year, to see if we can track you down.
Subject to warm temps, Bernie's hospitality and a dance-off/toe-kwondo match if we find him :-)
• #99
Subject to warm temps, Bernie's hospitality and a dance-off/toe-kwondo match if we find him :-)
wow, five minutes in and we already have grounds for being deported from Poland.
Bearfoot, over to you matey!
• #100
We should consider a "Where's Bearfoot?" ride in Poland next year, to see if we can track you down.
the hunter becomes the hunted
It's in the diary for my (sorta) first Saafs.
Now what's this I've been hearing about the burgers?