• #277
Doubt I'll vote again.
• #278
^ I possibly agree. I've voted twice and watched all the protests and riots with great interest but despite all this the government has relentlessly followed its own agenda. Seems like there isn't much point believing in this facade of democracy and getting involved if none of it is ever going to change anything.
Plus most of the country seem to be idiots, so nothing truly progressive will ever be voted for unanimously.
• #279
Most of the Great British People are idiots. They really shouldn't be allowed a vote at all, but at least they've elected to limit their future influence.
Plus most of the country seem to be idiots, so nothing truly progressive will ever be voted for unanimously.
what a thing to say. i'm guessing you don't really mean it .. if you do you both must be prize bellends.
also this
• #280
I voted in the AV referendum and spoiled my ballot for the other two, In future I'll be writing "I wanted AV" on everything.
• #281
I voted in the AV referendum and spoiled my ballot for the other two, In future I'll be writing "I wanted PR" on everything.
• #282
Most common argument I heard against AV was the "there's only 2 other countries with AV and one wants to get rid of it."
None of the people that said this could tell me how many (or few) countries have FPTP. Not that I know, just that telling me how many have AV when you don't know how many have FPTP seems fucking retarded.
• #283
• #285
No because if what they say isn't true then why do people vote for the BNP?
More people voted for BNP than LibDem in my area. Didn't realise I lived with so many racist cunts
But how many of those people that voted BNP did so because they really are racist cunts and how many did it because just to deny the other parties/candidates a vote?
• #286
Britain must be really chuffed the way the country is being run. The had a chance to make a big change, well a start at least, in the political landscape but instead said, no things are fine as they are.
42% turnout, they should have called in Simon Cowell to run the campaign. -
• #287
But how many of those people that voted BNP did so because they really are racist cunts and how many did it because just to deny the other parties/candidates a vote?
If you actually wanted to do that you'd vote MRL party.
• #288
Britain must be really chuffed the way the country is being run. The had a chance to make a big change, well a start at least, in the political landscape but instead said, no things are fine as they are.
42% turnout, they should have called in Simon Cowell to run the campaign.Was that for the AV referendum or the whole thing?
• #289
I think that was the average turnout including London where the only vote was the referendum. The London only average was 35%.
• #290
Good result.
Hopefully it will nail the coffin on the Liberal twattos
• #292
Voting against democracy, I wouldn't have believed it...
• #293
This is usually the case with referenda - Mob rules, those who shout the loudest wins.
• #294
At the polling station I was working at in a big Tory area the turnout was quite high. There were loads of old people out to vote No, scared that if they didn't the world was gonna end. The Tory candidate for the council came in and gave us a heartfelt thanks for our time too. I was sick in my mouth a bit. She looked like a horse and came in with her dad, the MP for the area. Bastards. The misinformation about AV was incredible, I'm not suprised about the result. I can't believe so many younger people didn't vote because 'the systems corrupt man, i'm a fucking anarchist, all politics is useless'. I am disappointed in the people of the UK. No electoral reform for at least another 100 years then.
• #295
Same feeling as when we tried to get rid of that old biddy off the back of our coins..
• #296
I expect that I don't really mean it, but I am quite possibly a prize bellend.
But why do you equate idiot with poor?I was surprised by the content of that link too. AV is not some bunch of well meaning "white people" trying to impose their ideas... At least I don't think it is.
As to most of the UK being idiots, Im not so sure. Certainly, slightly less then half of the population are of below average intelligence but beyond that, I get confused.Perhaps the bottom 20% really are idiots. Them plus the tories have been enough to scupper AV in any case.
• #297
This is usually the case with referenda - Mob rules, those who shout the loudest wins.
I'm old enough to remember joining Europe, those same voices were raised in rabble rousing ignorant dialectic, but the mobile did not listen to what were obvious lies, my observation is that this country has become worse educated and politically less sophisticated over the last 40 years.
• #298
I'm quite surprised that it was such an overwhelmingly 'NO' result in the AV referendum.
I thought that if the shite NO campaign material wasn't enough to swing people to YES then the NO campaigners pretty much coming out and admitting that they made up the figures in the campaign material would be.
I hope that people voted NO because they genuinely had made an informed decision that they didn't want AV but somehow, I doubt it was that. -
• #299
I do love HIGNFY most of the time, but it was pretty painful watching AV get trashed constantly, i'm sure some people would havebeen swayed by things like that too.
• #300
Reading the standard the other day:
[There's] no reason to change the system. She addded: "This is ridiculous - it is quite stupid. You pick a party you believe in and that should be it."
I never really thought about it like that.
Of course one might be inclinded not to vote for the party you believe in because it's pointless under the current system, but good point there Jackie.
can't believe how few areas in the country came out as yes! seemingly just oxford, cambridge, edinburgh and glasgow uni areas and parts of london!