• #27
I'm cooking soup, but I've run out of bay leaves. Could someone please have a bay leaf (NOS) couriered to me tonight? Fiddy dorrah.
• #28
Whoever tagged 'i'm too lay for my shirt' needs to correct the typo. I hope you're not too lazy.
• #29
I'm cooking soup, but I've run out of bay leaves. Could someone please have a bay leaf (NOS) couriered to me tonight? Fiddy dorrah.
I have a whole jar, NOS but with some marks from storage. $49.99
Pickup only.
• #30
I don't need a whole jar, thanks, just the one will do.
• #31
• #32
Yours, too?
• #33
i just keep being amazed at this post!
"If there's an onlinestore somewhere that sells something that I'm after for a discounted price give me a pm or post on the visitors wall, thanks!"
so basically you're properly fucking lazy and to add to that you can't use google to search for the items you want and we have to do it all for you?
fuck off! -
• #34
forum gold here
• #35
Do you take paypal gift?
• #36
This is fucking funny! Well worth waking up too!!!
• #37
^ That.
And I lol'd too.
eBay it is then. Your loss I guess?
• #38
Whoever tagged 'i'm too lay for my shirt' needs to correct the typo. I hope you're not too lazy.
Answer is in the question.
• #39
Your loss I guess?
Dude, you appear to have no clue about this place do you.
• #40
The time it took to research the prices and type this out, could've been spent clicking 'Add to Cart' on cyclesurgery or something. Having said that I like a novel approach to anything. GLWTB
• #41
thrust, ive had some nitto bullhorns at less than you've asked for in the classifieds for the last week! if you did a little searchy poos* you'd probably find alot of the shit you're after.
*i realise this would involve some effort on your part
• #42
three of the things you want are for sale on this site. all you need to do is follow this lin
• #43
What lin?
• #44
I have an itchy right foot. I can't reach it as i'm drinking champagne from a panda's skull.
Can some one come and scratch it for me? ...and don't scratch too hard (not too soft either)...oh and also my bollocks need a shampoo. PM's please.
• #45
where are you based?
• #46
Near the top of Mt Fuji
• #47
6 months until the next Megabuy thread!
• #48
...oh and also my bollocks need a shampoo. PM's please.
Can you post to Indonesia?
• #49
Yep, they're bagged up and ready to go
• #50
Pure gold