• #827
^ and I finally learned how to skid last nigh.Just sayin'...
Special THANK YOU to you Jayloo!
Oh, I somehow missed this! Congrats, Lola! Show 'em off on Friday.
• #828
Someone teach me how to skid? I did it once and have never managed it again : (
• #829
I can! You should see me last night on my way back from Norths, skidding like a young grasshopper all way down hahaha ok fair enough roads were wet but hey only 2 days ago I had no idea how to do it at all!
• #830
Looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow night, ladies! Just to warn you all, I have an interview tomorrow so A. I won't be on the bike, and B. I'll be dressed like a person going for an interview. Please don't judge me on that...
• #832
We will be too busy judging people who aren't there/yelling at boys as they pass - although from the inside of a pub this may be a challenge.
Looking forward to meeting you littleheather. Gutted La Wicks won't be there : (
• #833
@ Wicksie buuuuuuuu......:(
Ladies what time are we starting this alcoholic (and pizza) binge? I think I can be there from 5.30-6ish but I don't want to seat alone! -
• #834
God damn, another ladies drinks I can't make, got a friend's birthday do tomorrow, I'll keep my eye out for the next drinks and get it in my diary!
• #835
I officially finish at 5.30 and as I'm sans bike, I'll have to bus it down to Borough. I'l probably be there around 6, I'd imagine. Likewise, don't like doing the billynomates impression!
• #836
I also finish at 5.30, and will be avec Brompton so should be there by 6.
Poots if you are still going there tonight, try and get a space reserved for tomorrow.
Promise them hot bike chicks eating pizza or something equally wild. -
• #837
I am still going tonight and should be there 6-ish.
They loved the Hell's Belles lot so we should be welcomed with opening arms...until we try to teach each other how to skid on the table tops or something..
• #838
I am all over this, so looking forward to my first ladies' drinks! And will also be there around 6. Don't mind being there on my own, will wear forum cap for ease of recognition.
We will be too busy judging people who aren't there/yelling at boys as they pass - although from the inside of a pub this may be a challenge.
(surely this is what barstaff are for?
• #839
Ladies! Am at Libertine now and there's a fireman's halloween party for 100 booked in...barman says we prob wouldn't get seats even if we were here at 5.30pm.
Time to think of a plan b? -
• #840
Ladies! Am at Libertine now and there's a fireman's halloween party for 100 booked in...?
And this is a reason NOT to go?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh shit, I'm fucking married now.
Note to self. Must remember this. -
• #841
Time to think of a plan b?
• #842
I will drop by for one, probably via public transport, but only one/two because I've been peer pressured into going to a massive halloween party at my college and it will be the first time that all us nooby first years can get drunk together so I don't want to miss the bonding time. But as ladies drinks will probably be en route between extreme East London and Kensington, I can drop by and pre-drink/drink before continuing onwards! Woop!
Also I think I might have to dress up or some shit! Haven't thought of a costume idea whatsoever!
• #843
Ladies! Am at Libertine now and there's a fireman's halloween party for 100 booked in...barman says we prob wouldn't get seats even if we were here at 5.30pm.
Time to think of a plan b?Roebuck works too but I wanted pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• #844
Roebuck does pretty good although slightly overpriced pizzas...
• #845
ms.chris will be dropping by after she gets back from paris.
she is getting into london bridge late, so if you move on, please text her. -
• #846
^Thanks honey, was just checking the thread to see the final plans. Good thing I did!
Yes please, someone text me once a location has been decided if it's not at the Libertine.
• #847
And this is a reason NOT to go?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh shit, I'm fucking married now.
Note to self. Must remember this.Hahaha My words!
Any way what's the plan than? I can only recommend places in North London so I'm leaving it up to you ladies! -
• #848
I'm not a fan of the Hoebuck to be honest...and if we go to the Libertine it's highly unlikely we'd get a table or anything.
Lemme have a think...any other suggestions that are Central-ish?
• #849
Fireman's Party is kicking off at 7.30-ish apparently so we could try and get to the Libertine for early doors and bag some tables?
If it's a nightmare, then go somewhere else?
Or head for the Birkbeck Bar on Malet Street - 2 for 1 drinks, Student bar but no id needed, plenty bike parking outside? http://www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbeck/sports/bar
• #850
Hmmm like I said my knowledge of central pubs is limited but as I'm sort of cough skiving today I could probably go to Libertine earlier (5-5.30?)and fight for the table?
Awesome! Well done