• #452
Maybe best avoided.
• #453
Defo looks like the cheap knockoff of an SJ4000 that I tried first. Not worth 25p nevermind £25.
• #454
Received and understood.
• #455
Go pro have the hero 4 session priced at £159 on their website.
• #456
Just saw that it's on Amazon for £159 too: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00YMZF39C
I already have one, and I've got YouTube footage showing how good it is in the rain and dark. Spoiler: It's good.
I'm seriously considering a 2nd one so that I've got both front and rear covered.
• #457
The go pro site one comes with a goody bag.
I'll let you know what's in the goody bag when it arrives.
• #458
After years of thinking of I would never get one, yesterday's shenanigans have tipped me over the edge.
Ordered, thanks !
• #459
I've been looking for an easy and preferable 'on the fly' way to get footage from my SJCAM M10 to my iphone and then to be able to edit and post vids to instagram, youtube etc.
I'm thinking about buying a Ravpower Filehub which I think will get the files (I'm pretty sure the M10 makes mpegs right?) to my iphone but I'm not sure if there's any editing apps that'll work with mpeg files?
I can find a lot of apps to let you watch mpegs but not much for editing them.
Maybe I can convert them to some other file type to edit them on the iphone but I don't know what file type I'd need to convert to?
• #461
Nice one, cheers.
• #462
I've no experience with however I have the same as you (iphone and m10)
I just dump the card into a reader when I get to work/home if anything requires posting to youtube to be angry about after using avi2demux
• #463
I see. I'm not using mine for traffic recording, more for fun do just fancy being able to whack a wee clip together while out riding.
• #464
Update on the goody bag that GoPro send free with the camera. It's just a bag, shoe bag size, will do for carrying some of my sandwiches.
• #465
You got me thinking about getting a wireless SD card for my Fly6.
• #466
Cycliq Fly12 look perfect for this (wireless and 10 hours run-time too).
• #467
Cycliq Fly12
It only exists on Kickstarter at the moment - it's not worth buying one until it's available retail, otherwise you have no comeback when it stops working.
But yes - totally on the shopping list when it does go retail.
• #468
Does the fly6 take a full size SD card? The M10 takes a micro SD so don;'t think here's a wifi card available. Did think about a micro - normal SD adapter with wifi and take a compact camera or something to bung it in then transfer to iphone but seems like a lot of complication.
• #469
Doesn't look like it, only thing I can think of is this;
• #470
Hmm, that'd seem to be a much simpler solution!
• #471
So the record button jammed on my M10 again yesterday and while trying to free it I'm pretty sure I've broken it off the circuit board.
Seriously tempted to splash on a GoPro the now. Just can't decide on model or waiting till January sales.
• #472
Incidentally, Apple released an updated for the iPhone;
• #473
Cheers, I think I'm gonna get myself a GoPro with wifi n all the fancy shiz though.
Edit: Treated myself to a Hero4 Silver yesterday. It's like chalk n cheese compared to the M10.
Anyone know what settings I need to shoot time lapse at so I can download it to my phone (iphone5) via the app?
• #474
Afternoon all. After some advice if possible please...
I'm interested in buying an action cam, predominantly for filming cricket stuff similar to these guys http://bit.ly/1YXDJDX . I imagine when summer comes round it'll be recording stuff in the nets and then maybe an innings or two.
Looking around at the options available and the two that stick out are the various GoPro's and the TomTom Bandit, which the premium pack can be had for just over £220 after a cashback deal. The reviews seem fairly positive and it seems like with the adapter it'll fit any GoPro mount. Also getting a reported 3 hours of battery is good, which is super ideal considering an innings of 35 overs is often around that long.
And then obviously there's the GoPro's, in direct comparison to the Bandit it seems like it'd be the Hero 4 Black/Silver but at the cheaper price points (don't think I can justify a Black) I'm wondering if the Session would match up to the job, but the main issue of batteries being non-removable and only getting around 2 hours before having to do a recharge has me umming and ahhhhing.
Any thoughts/advice/stuff would be much appreciated! It's honestly not an area I'm too well versed with.
• #475
issue of batteries being non-removable
This was one of the main reasons I chose the Hero 4 silver over the Session or the plain Hero.
I've no idea exactly what battery life I'm getting but without doing any of the powersaving tricks (one touch record, leds off, screen off etc) I'm certainly not disappointed in the battery life. (I bought a couple 3rd party batteries when I got the camera, can't remember the brand but they were £20 for 2 and they seem to last just as long as the gin-u-wine GoPro one.
If you don't need it to be waterproof you could always get a skeleton housing and leave it hooked up to an external power source (mains or battery pack).
I think the good thing about the GoPro is that there's loads of folk using them so there's heaps of info out there and heaps of accessories.
When I was looking at SJ4000s the view seemed to be that there are a lot of fakes out there.