• #77
I went for Andrex.
• #78
^Choice of winners
• #79
dammit so fat, if he cuts himself he bleeds gravy
• #80
we're all winners - got to the egg first right?
• #81
Dammit is only slimmer than me, because he spent some time with his jaws wired shut. That's cheating.
• #82
If you look at me in Will's most recent photo-poster you can see the results of a soup only diet, I'm considerably heavier than that now
• #83
we're all winners - got to the egg first right?
1 Attachment
• #84
Ostrich Gala Pie? Want!
• #85
thought it was a giant scotch egg...
• #86
If you look at me in Will's most recent photo-poster you can see the results of a soup only diet, I'm considerably heavier than that now
"Make me look thin, for God's sake darling, make me look thin!" you said.
Hours getting the lighting just right.
Stick to your soup story though if you want. -
• #87
C64>AX Phoenix
• #88
thought it was a giant scotch egg...
It is. I still want the pie.
• #89
I don't know if i could face that much hard boiled egg.... just wrong.
• #90
underweight/overweight is dependent on body type. mesomorphic, polymorphic or ectomorphic
Those body somatypes are bollox.
Body shape variations are of course real, but they are more to do with your skeletal structure, anthropometry and how "naturally" muscular you are.
A lot of east african people for example are very tall but have extremely narrow skeletons, the hips of this one guy I know are literally half the size of mine even though he is a whole foot taller.
This fellow is about 6'8" yet weighs about 60kg and looks normal. No more thin than the average hipster/indie kid.
Me however, I am 5'8" and around 80kg. Yet I look a lot like I need to "fill out". I have very wide hips, big thighs, but naturally scrawny arms and shoulder area.
I have a brother, who is 5'6" who has naturally "thick" kind of body, chunky arms & wrists. He weighs around 100kg and also looks "normal"
None of these are to do with those silly somatypes. Plus they usually have attached with them ideas of different biological traits, that somehow thin people are "hard gainers" , have "fast metabolisms" or similar bullshit. This is all of course nonsense. We all have the same basic biology and will gain & lose weight in the same way. It is basically stuff invented/propagated by the "vanity/faux-fitness" industry to sell magazines, workouts & supplements.
• #91
Yeah, I just need to shift some stuff from my tummy into my thighs and shoulders and I'll be happy.
• #92
• #93
I gave up smoking last summer and now I'm 93kg. The biggest I ever was :-( Fuck you, double chin! Fuck you!
Have you considered weight training?
Yeah, I'll just get my coat.
• #94
I did consider it, but the weights are heavy.
I have too much trouble with my joints to lift stuff.
Although, I'd love to see myself in the mirror flexing my biceps and sweating profoundly. -
• #95
You know, low-mid weight, controlled movement and hi rep is the way to go if you want to lose fat and put on a bit of muscle. Doing a controlled (slow) movement with weight that you're comfortable with has many benefit. You don't have to go in and start chichking around the 40s to see benefits.
• #96
Bloody hell; 9 St. Do you have a suite in your lounge covered in your own leftover skin?
I'm fairly lucky that regard in that because I'm so tall and broad, there was a lot of me for the fat to spread over, so it's only really noticeable where my gut meets my abdomen. If I had the cash, I'd consider getting it removed. I am pretty pissed though that because even though I don't have skin hanging off me, generally my skin isn't really 'tight' which means I don't look ripped like someone with my musculature and percentage body fat should. Supposed there is nothing to be done about that...just be grateful that it's about a million times better than it was.
• #97
None of these are to do with those silly somatypes. Plus they usually have attached with them ideas of different biological traits, that somehow thin people are "hard gainers" , have "fast metabolisms" or similar bullshit. This is all of course nonsense. We all have the same basic biology and will gain & lose weight in the same way. It is basically stuff invented/propagated by the "vanity/faux-fitness" industry to sell magazines, workouts & supplements.
well seeing as i fit one of those stereotypes i have to disagree.
i don't really build much muscle i just get a bit more toned, i also eat shit loads without really gaining any weight, i have gained or lost no more than 3-4lb in 20 years
when cycling i find it hard to feed the exercise and have to start eating a soon as i start riding if it's going to be a long ride and am prone to energy lows.evidently you can be something other than a true body type (i have broad shoulders compared to other beanpoles).
the bodytypes were named by physician William Sheldon in the 30's nothing to do with marketing of fitness products
• #98
^ Hipster.
• #99
the bodytypes were named by physician William Sheldon in the 30's nothing to do with marketing of fitness products
They have everything to do with recent/current faux fitness/vanity/bodybuilding industry. Just hit the internet looking for any info about "working out" and you will almost be definetely led to a bodybuilding website explaining the different basic three somatypes and the special diets, products and training methods you will need to "get ripped".
It doesnt really matter where the origins are, they have grown into a snake oil trail of epic proportions.
well seeing as i fit one of those stereotypes i have to disagree.
Millions of people would say exactly the same thing about their "star signs" and how accurate the zodiac has been in predicting/advising about their lives.
The "deception" works in exactly the same way. All information is basically general enough to apply to nearly everyone, and when people start to believe in something they will often even bend the information/beliefs to compensate for inaccuracies.
You have piqued my interest though Mrsmyth, somatypes are generally something ive opted to ignore. It seems William Sheldon was actually a Psychologist and his writing seems pretty interesting. So I may actually get his book on the matter.
• #100
They have everything to do with recent/current faux fitness/vanity/bodybuilding industry. Just hit the internet looking for any info about "working out" and you will almost be definetely led to a bodybuilding website explaining the different basic three somatypes and the special diets, products and training methods you will need to "get ripped".
It doesnt really matter where the origins are, they have grown into a snake oil trail of epic proportions.
Millions of people would say exactly the same thing about their "star signs" and how accurate the zodiac has been in predicting/advising about their lives.
The "deception" works in exactly the same way. All information is basically general enough to apply to nearly everyone, and when people start to believe in something they will often even bend the information/beliefs to compensate for inaccuracies.
Has Mr Homeopathy seen the light?
When Kris sits around the house, he sits around the house.