• #177
Just don't be upset when you bring your girlfriend to th Fucktones gig and you leave without her...
King of the swingers?
• #178
Just don't be upset when you bring your girlfriend to th Fucktones gig and you leave without her...
^ I always felt you were (ironically), batting above your weight with Sarah anyway dude.
• #179
^ Hehehe...
When's the gig, you say? Countdown here...
© Bon Van Johnson -
• #180
This looks boring. I'll probably skip it.
• #181
yeah i'm working on making it a little less... vague
/apols to any ie7 users - you want the best? well then hire someone who knows how to do javascript properly. hateful language -
• #182
Add that anigif of Joe trying to make out with his guitar.
• #183
I'll have you know that guitar enjoyed every moment of its
ordealexperience... -
• #184
Your unhealthy obsession with obtaining a flying V begins to make sense.
• #185
Did I mention all proceeds will be split equally between LFGSS/LCEF/LHBPA? We don't need the money, obv...
• #186
Before or after [finger quotes] expenses? [/finger quotes]. I'm thinking specifically of that country bar scene in Blues Brothers.
• #187
why do you care? you'll be at an empty o2 arena.
• #188
Scream for me dingy brixton pub...
• #189
Scream for me dingy brixton academy...
• #190
first the grozzveener (tm - aram), then the academy, them the colliseum, rome.
• #191
first the grozzveener (tm - aram), then the academy, them the colliseum, rome.
The St Austell Coliseum?
• #192
^ + puppet show
• #193
I want to go to this but have doubts
• #194
i want to go to this but have scabies.
• #195
^ you're playing mandolin on our YES! medley mate, you better fkn be there.
• #196
Duelling mandolins? In...
• #197
mandolins kicking the shit out of each other round the back of the pub while the fuckettes drunkenly drawl 'eees not fackin werf iiiiiit' more like.
• #198
• #199
Can it do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?
• #200
^ Available quite cheap on t'Bay...
"Just don't be upset when the Fucktones don't leave you upset. It means that you're dead from the waist down."