• #2
How about both?
• #3
fuck. you're alright though? -
• #4
aye, more 'amazed' at the foolishness of it all than anything
• #5
What was the reaction of the driver on hitting you?!?
• #6
...glad you're well and all that
• #7
were you in the prime position?
• #8
sorry. glad you're alright and there's surely no way out for the driver/company?
• #9
Jaysus H Christ. Glad to hear that you've got away without any harm. Hope the bike is Ok.
• #10
apparently she couldn't see me because i was the side of the bus, until the witness pointed out I was next to him in front of the bus.
Then some gumpf about not being able to see every obstruction on the road until I gently reproached her for viewing cyclists as obstructions. Played it all very calmly as I knew I was in the right and I don't subscribe to DJ's 'kill 'em all' approach
interestingly enough I got a phone call 15 minutes later from the driver asking if she could pay for the wheel without intervention from the company [I've got a sneaking suspicion she's had a shufti at the cctv and knows she's bang to rights] Thought the wheel was going to cost 40 notes to replace - cos like, you can get a new bike in Halfords for 100 quid innit :^]
• #11
Hope you can find a bike shop to quote for the replacement of that Mavic Comete disc you've been riding alot recently.
• #12
glad you're ok wayne. not cool
• #13
matt seaton (in "the escape artist") writes about when his wheel got crushed by a taxi. the taxi driver didn't pay as "40 quid you're having a laugh!" -
• #14
what is your instinct, Wayne?
do her or take/make a quiet settlement?
• #15
Glad you're OK Wayne. Good calm head and well handled.
Can you not potatoe-chop the wheel back on? I can find the internal PS-dev hotline if you need a hand with a filter or summat....
• #16
kill her in the head slowly.
thankfully no damage to yo'self -
• #17
Ditto, glad you didn't hurt your delicate self. Nice to see someone deal with this kind of situation with sanity and restraint.
• #18
Glad you're ok big man, take her to the cleaners.
• #19
I would normally recommend reporting all crashes to police. We need those reports even if there was no personal injury (too much stuff goes unreported). If she's clearly apologetic and if by dealing with it good-naturedly she will be motivated to improve her driving, there are of course other ways of handling it. Glad you weren't hurt!
• #20
if she called you and said she would pay for the damage then get your golden nuggets off her ( quickest and simplest method).
if the wheel cost £40 to sort out. ask for £60-£70 that will cover your troubles -
• #21
PM Skydancer, he taught bus drivers some cycle training, and the result was successful, sound like something she could benefit from and make her into a better driver.
I wonder if you could direct her to take cycle training?
• #22
PM Skydancer, he taught bus drivers some cycle training, and the result was successful.
I wonder if you could direct her to take cycle training?
Let's pray she wasn't one of his trainees :)
Wayne I think you should report it really; it's only by chance that you are not injured or worse. She needs retraining and quick if she cannot see a well-lit cyclist in front of her. And maybe that will have some effect on her colleagues too? There might also be the possibility that she wants to keep this quiet because it is not her first incident. -
• #23
if she called you and said she would pay for the damage then get your golden nuggets off her ( quickest and simplest method).
if the wheel cost £40 to sort out. ask for £60-£70 that will cover your troubles40 notes is what she reckoned it would cost - the real cost is a fair bit more than that! got to take it down the LBS to check out the rear alignment as well
• #24
glad you're ok buddy,
defo report it to both the bus co. and the police
you handled it well -
• #25
Did you try a round house kick?
stunning piece of driving, waiting in front of bus at red light and boosh! straight over the back wheel - back wheel FUBAR'ed and need to check rear alignment tommorrow.
The lad alongside me has given me his details as a witness, driver has stopped and we've exchanged details and there's CCTV footage of the incident
I'm clearly stationary and have 2 rear lights on the bike and a fibre flare on the bag so I was pretty visible…
Wondering what the next course of action is, file a complaint with the bus company or go through my H&C insurance company?