• #2
Em, did you see my post in the other thread, anyone who wants 'more than 1' wil be split.
• #3
Short of excluding anyone who voted no in 5.1 from this vote it was always going to be the case and cannot be made any more fair.
• #4
I can't say I like this vote really, because you have options which could be the same, half could be top 2...
I would have just left out the half option, just all,1,2,3
• #5
from the other thread: should this be discussed/agreed before further decisions on how many?
thank youIf yes and there will be 1 (or 2 or more) places, should it be on the condition that it is the same 3 players in the team. If the winning team/s wants to make a team change they should have to qualify in the same way everyone else would have to. What does everyone else think - does this need to be in the vote?
• #6
Knornight has voted for option D. This vote will be discounted as he is not a league player.
• #7
negative. He is a london player, and should be able to vote on this poll.
• #8
Sorry dude, I'm being an idiot.
• #9
Wow, this is almost impossible to make a decent judgement on, since we don't know how many spots we're going to be allocated at next year's Euros.
• #10
Well, if you had a better idea about how to decide this, perhaps you should have spoken up a while back while all of these polls were being painstakingly worked out by Em?
• #11
Em, did you see my post in the other thread, anyone who wants 'more than 1' wil be split.
Would it be possible to take an average?
3 votes for 1 spot = 3
2 votes for 2 spots = 4
5 votes for 3 spots = 15Total (22) divided by the number of voters (10) = 2.2, to nearest whole number = 2 spots?
• #12
Majority wins.
• #13
Majority wins.
you guys are mental!
• #14
• #15
Majority-majority, or are minority-majorities okay? I'm always in favour of run-offs in these cases.
• #17
ha, first past the post can fuck off. and we do it in "my" country as well. Westminster - the cradle of something approximating democracy.
• #18
Does this poll have to happen now? We've decided that the league will give entry to the euros if they're allocated by city. Can't we wait until the number of spots are known to decide how many?
• #19
Damn, i lost my last post when i tried to edit...
I just wanted to add that i think its important to do this vote before the league starts as people may change their vote depending on where they/others stand in the league. We may not find out how many places until the league is almost over.
(my initial point was it would be interesting to see what the vote would be after the format was decided.. i was basing my vote assuming 18 team round robin - which is (imo) the fairest way to determine the league winner - we could now potentially be playing two very separate leagues - this will definitely change my original vote of 1 spot for the winner)
but we cannot plan for all scenarios otherwise we'd still be voting when we should be playing :)
• #20
Wow, this is almost impossible to make a decent judgement on, since we don't know how many spots we're going to be allocated at next year's Euros.
Well, if you had a better idea about how to decide this, perhaps you should have spoken up a while back while all of these polls were being painstakingly worked out by Em?
Gabes, not every comment about the difficulties of this process is a critique of the people facilitating it.
• #21
You're right, but as I'm sure you know, it feels like it sometimes.
• #22
i was basing my vote assuming 18 team round robin
That's pretty redundant considering we had finished polling on that topic and voted against an 18 team round robin before this poll had been put up. -
• #23
basing my initial 'yes' vote
not my 'how many' spots vote -
• #24
um, how will this be decided if we have 2 separate leagues?
can we please wait to vote on the number of spots allocated until we know how many London teams will get to go?
Or can that at least be one of the choices in this poll?You currently have at least 3-6 people requesting this which I think is enough to say we probably need to take some action.
This is not a personal critique, we're all trying to pull together and be all democratic or summink that's all.note to others feeling that this is a bit soon: "half of them" is at least a bit of an offering to both sides.
• #25
I've hardly had time to read this stuff over the past few weeks, and standing back from things is a good thing, I think.
Catching up on this, I think this vote should be postponed. The league itself isn't clear, the number of spots allocated to London or the U.K. isn't known, we don't even know who's hosting EHBPC2011.
That's 7 who'd like to cancel this.
The following vote will be posted to forum 24 for a public vote, all known London polo players will be counted, votes from outside the polo community will be discounted.
Please note that this vote is based on the assumption that the Euro spots will be allocated by city. If this is not the case then this vote will become null and void.
If B, C, D or E then we would need to hold a vote in Forum 24 to decide on how to allocate the remainder, please note this would not be done until the organisers of the Euros have advised how many spots London will be allocated.