• #9777
Minus 3 predicted tonight in Bristol, dunno where you are but winter is not over yet.
I am cutting back dead deciduous stuff but leaving evergreens for now
• #9778
Yeah, that's sort of what I thought.
It's just a bit shit looking and outside the kitchen window. Oh well. Next weekend maybe.
• #9779
Primula season is on got a whole bunch for the damp bit of the garden. Happy wee plants and the tortoiseshell butterflies like them too.
And got guelder rose, spindle tres and Holly hedging in.
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• #9780
Stupid pizza oven in the process of getting to fuck. Loving actually being able to see my garden out of the kitchen window instead of this hulking piece of junk
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• #9781
Unless you use the oven it's not great I agree.
Nice willow overhanging to the right there.
More gardening clearing, as the brambles were never properly pulled out. Lots of birch root suckers too. And waterlogged clay everywhere it's an education in gardening for sure ;)
Need to get two stumps removed by a gardener too.
To my delight I found an earthworm! I though the bastard flatworms got them all. Will keep adding leaf litter every year to help them.
• #9782
Cat shit! Seems like the local cat community has selected our slightly wild garden to use as a literal dumping ground - anything I can do to prevent this? I like cats, and I don’t mind them passing through the garden but its getting a little out of control. On a related note, I can recommend not treading in lots of shit whilst wearing a pair of ONs.
• #9783
• #9784
Planted out the climbing Hydrangea that I was gifted last year yesterday. New buds starting to form. Need to get some 5ft sq trellis panels to attach to the fence for it.
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• #9785
Doing a few mods to the kids den.
Started to build a fence which I'll ultimately grow stuff through. Once the forsythia flowers, I'll cut it back underneath to make the space bigger. Will also try and weave the overhead beaches to make a canopy
There are flag irises along the edge thay you can just about see which sort of make a wall at the front around the entrance plank. So it's quite cool in summer.
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• #9786
You could probably sell the heat bricks btw.
• #9787
Dug these up on Saturday, got as much root as I could. No idea if they will survive. But it was either have a go or they were getting chopped.
I’m tempted to water them with some rooting compound.
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• #9788
That’s prob better than whatever the dog’s watering them with.
• #9789
I feel like I remember talk of trade nurseries in Kent that were accessible to the public in here but not having any luck with search. Need to buy lots of plants in the next few months, any recommendations for local-ish (to SE London) bargain retailers much appreciated.
• #9790
Would anyone like a shed? 6x4' door at one end, cracked window. Probably about 20 years old but condition is fine really. Collect from EN1.
Will need new roof felt
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• #9791
This rose thing is out the ground and in a (too small) pot - someone take it please! Se19 3QN
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• #9792
Anyone know what these might become please?!
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• #9793
IDK why my pictures are 90 degrees out.
• #9794
First are crocus
• #9795
Ties in with the bulbs I planted (but didn’t pay attention to what went where).
• #9796
That rose has pink flowers BTW.
• #9797
If you have trouble getting rid of it download Olio and stick it on. I find plants go very quickly there.
• #9798
Ok, thanks!
• #9799
I think the red one may be a Hellebore.
• #9800
Right colour but leaf shape looks off
Our bay tree got its top leaves burn by the snow and now the top is all brown and grotty.
I'm not worried about its health, it'll be fine. But aesthetically it looks a bit shit.
I've held of pruning it back in case of further cold, but now everything is starting to come to life I'm thinking about getting the shears out.
What's the hive view?