• #8752
This was my thought process.
Need to build a pergola now
• #8753
Someone will take that straight to ‘overheard at the golf club bar’
• #8754
The fruit tree website I was reading a couple days ago said to trim if replanting at a non-ideal time, because the damaged roots won't be able to sustain the stuff above ground, so sounds like you did the right thing. Good luck!
• #8755
On tree moving, we moved a leylandi last move (about 5'tall) and it's not looking too healthy with lots of browning leaves. Any suggestion on how to rescue it?
• #8756
A leylandii?
Surely you want that to die before it gets out of control
• #8758
One down, several million to go.
It IS possible to keep the bloody things under control, but people start out with good intentions and don't. Top of the treeweed list followed closely by silver birch and sycamore.
• #8759
Ash tree (Fraxinus) are a big seeder here in Boggy Belfast, already dug up three and more to go.
And of course plenty of Sycamore nearby too.
Shovel, battery saw off the exposed roots and repeat...
• #8760
The Rescue Rose from the now sadly tarmacced over neighbours front garden is blooming. Not so bad as it wasn't too happy at theirs.
1 Attachment
• #8761
No ash die-back in Norn yet? I am sure Boris will sort that out when he has finished his border renegotiations.
• #8762
As Country Joe Mcdonald sang
the only good leylandii is one that's dead
• #8763
It has hit areas here, but Belfast seems to have escaped it so far.
• #8764
Our agapanthus is like a fantastic super-slow-mo firework.
1 Attachment
• #8765
Love it!
• #8766
Found a snap from when we moved in, same spot, 8 years apart, almost entirely from cuttings, sanctuary.
2 Attachments
• #8767
Our newly acquired no-mow-no-anything garden looks quite nice in bloom.
We’ve got a lot of work to do, and a lot of paving to lift, hopefully keep the roses and a wisteria on the back of the house.
Any idea what this variegated thing is?
2 Attachments
• #8768
• #8769
silver birch
What's your beef with silver birch?
• #8770
• #8771
Any idea what this variegated thing is?
Is it just a variegated sycamore seedling?
• #8772
There are two types of silver birch, those that have just fallen down and those that will, with their final destination being on a house. They're shallow rooted and don't live long and their timber is pretty useless. Decorative for a while, I would agree, but best left in woodland.
• #8773
their timber is pretty useless
Good firewood.
• #8774
OK for starting a fire, but with the density of balsa it doesn't last 5 minutes and tends to rot before it has even seasoned. Give me a mix of oak, ash and apple any time.
• #8775
Had one in my dad’s garden when I was a nipper. Have fond memories of climbing it in a wind storm and being whipped around as it bent and flexed. Probably exaggerated by memory.